twicer ® 11-May-2021 20:10

International SAFETYNET Handbook

Year: 2020
Language: english
Publisher: INMARSAT
Edition: 6th
ISBN: 1234567890
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 40
Description: IMO SOLAS Chapter IV Regulation 12.2 states that “Every ship, while at sea, shall maintain a radio watch for broadcasts of maritime safety information on the appropriate frequency or frequencies on which such information is broadcast for the area in which the ship is navigating”.
This handbook is intended for mariners, to explain the operation of the International SafetyNET service as an element of the IMO Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). SafetyNET is the service for broadcasting and automatic reception of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) via Enhanced Group Call (EGC) system. Its receiving capability is part of the mandatory equipment to be carried by certain SOLAS compliant ships. EGC is the system for broadcasting messages via the Inmarsat satellite communications system and supports services: SafetyNET and SafetyNET II. This handbook deals mainly with the distribution of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) via satellite using the International SafetyNET services.
SafetyNET services provide the capability to address MSI to a given geographical area. The area may be fixed, such as IMO defined NAVAREAs and MEAREAs, coastal warning area, or it may be a user defined circular or rectangular area. MSI is submitted for broadcast using three priorities: Safety – Priority 1, Urgency – Priority 2 and Distress - Priority 3. Aboard ships, MSI messages are received automatically by Inmarsat C and Mini-C type-approved maritime terminals with EGC SafetyNET capability.
This handbook also explains how mariners can use SafetyNET services to obtain vital MSI tailored to the needs of the vessel.



SafetyNET_Handbook 6th Edition 2020.pdf

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