SerTan ® 14-May-2021 16:07

Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: ITU
Genre: Manual
Publisher: ITU
Edition: 2020 Edition
ISBN: 978-92-61-32041-6
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 142 + 604
Description: The main purpose of the “Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services” is to provide the maritime community with a description of the GMDSS and other maritime operational procedures. It also provides mariners with acompilation of the most relevant ITU treaty, regulatory, technical and operational texts that are relevant to the maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite services, so that the concerned persons could have ready reference to these texts in the application of the relevant radiocommunication procedures. The requirement for providing ship stations with the Maritime Manual was introduced into the Radio Regulations in 1979 following an earlier requirement, dating back to 1927, for providing the Radio Regulations and the Convention, on board ship.
The Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services is published in accordance with Article 20 (No.20.14) of the Radio Regulations. Volume1 provides descriptive text of the organisation and operation of the GMDSS and other maritime operational procedures. Volume 2 contains extracts of the regulatory texts associated with maritime communication services.
In comparison with the edition of 2016, the current version of the Maritime Manual contains updates concerning Inmarsat and Cospas-Sarsat systems reflecting their latest developments, a new section dealing with the additional satellite service provider Iridium, the modifications related to the WRC-19 decisions on maritime communications, and some other updates.




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