Vitbar192 ® 24-May-2021 08:46

US Revenue Cutter 'Jefferson Davis' 1853

Year: 1993
Language: english
Author: Montgomery A.C.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Bluejacket Shipcrafters
Format: PDF
Quality: Photo of pages
Pages count: 95
Description: USRC Jefferson Davis was a United States Revenue Cutter Service topsail schooner of the Cushing class built in 1853. She was named for Jefferson Davis, then United States Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce, and later president of the Confederate States of America.
This nice book prepared by Arthur Montgomery was written to guide the readers through the entire process of building a perfect plank-on-frame model of the famous Jefferson Davis, one of the world prominent vessels of the past times.
The volume takes readers through literally all phases of modeling, providing them with all required historical information, basics of the hull construction, including framing, planking, sparring, rigging and decking techniques, and gives very clear and easy to follow instructions.
The process of the construction is illustrated with the step-to-step photographs making the modeling not easy but also enjoyable. There are several valuable notes relating to the armament of the vessel. In addition, note that there is a ship modeler's glossary to help reader with the terminology.
All required plans, line drawings and data tables have also been included by the author - it means that the publication contains absolutely everything the modeler may need to build a perfect ship model. We do recommend all ship model builders not to miss this book noting the information, illustrations and photo, as well as the professional advice and instructions it provides.



Montgomery A.C. US Revenue Cutter 'Jefferson Davis' , 1993.pdf

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