mmhkhang ® 11-Jul-2021 08:45

Sperry Marine NAVITWIN IV Heading Management System Operation, Installation and Service Manual

Year: 2006
Language: english
Author: Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V.
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 102
Description: The Heading Management System NAVITWIN IV performs a number of control and monitoring functions within a multicompass system:
• It displays the actual heading from the available heading sources and lets the operator select the active source for distribution to other equipment, e.g. heading control systems, RADAR, compass repeaters etc.
NAVITWIN IV can display up to three true heading and one magnetic compass heading source.
• It monitors the difference between any two of the available heading sources.
Should the difference exceed a user-defined threshold, a "Heading Difference Alarm" is given.



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