SKM ® 22-Jul-2021 15:27


Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: Nic Gardner & Nick Chubb
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: inmarsat
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 40
Description: Since early 2020, the Covid pandemic and the resulting crew crisis has continued to point a firm spotlight on seafarer mental health and the horrendous circumstances that some seafarers are finding themselves in.
The pandemic showed the collective ineffectiveness of the entire shipping industry, including charities, corporates, unions, and even international bodies such as the IMO, to act as a voice for the needs of seafarers during a crisis.
Crew welfare has never been more critical, and welfare organisations are finding themselves under pressure to provide services to more and more seafarers. Through our continued collaboration with charities, welfare associations and owners and managers we have put in place a number of initiatives to assist, including supporting a number of Mental Health helplines, but we are fully aware that the current framework and its ability to support the seafarer of the future is not fit for purpose.




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