Year: 1996 Version: Platform: PC Compatibility with Windows7: yes Localization: english Crack: Not needed Description: OPERATION PROCEDURES KANNAD 406 FH-FLOAT FREE TYPE Operating principle This container is used to protect an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) of the KANNAD 406 type and to ensure that it is released and that it operates automatically in the event of a boat sinking. It should be installed on the wheelhouse horizontally, so that the beacon can rise easily to the surface. The CAL 89 [1] makes an envelope that gives excellent protection to the beacon. This envelope is made of IMPAX, a polycarbonate material extremely resistant to shocks, according to the double skin technique filled with polyurethane foam. The release device used is the Hammar H20 hydrostatic release. At a depth of 4 to 12ft, the release system operates and cuts the bolt. The top cover is freed and allows the beacon to rise to the surface [3] : when the beacon leaves the bottom part of the container, it is automatically in "on" position. It is absolutely necessary to follow scrupulously the installation and operation instructions. It is possible to open the container manually by removing the release pin Weight of container - 4,5 kg or 9 lb. (Epirb and container). Size - 435*220*160mm.
Beacon insertion 1. The container is fixed to the wheelhouse (see installation instructions). 2. Place beacon in container according to position indicated. The operating switch is placed underneath. 3. To arm beacon, raise beacon slightly, unscrew plastic cap, switch beacon to "on". Screw plastic cap back on. Put beacon back into place. WARNING : Do not exceed 30 secs to avoid any real distress transmission. 4. To ensure that the beacon is working, raise it slightly and check that the lamp flashes after a few seconds. Put it back. The switch remains in position "on". 5. While maintaining the beacon inside the container, put the hinges into place and close the lid . 6. Slide the release pin through the axle to lock the container . OPERATION PROCEDURES KANNAD 406 FH-FLOAT FREE TYPE Operating principle This container is used to protect an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) of the KANNAD 406 type and to ensure that it is released and that it operates automatically in the event of a boat sinking. It should be installed on the wheelhouse horizontally, so that the beacon can rise easily to the surface. The CAL 89 [1] makes an envelope that gives excellent protection to the beacon. This envelope is made of IMPAX, a polycarbonate material extremely resistant to shocks, according to the double skin technique filled with polyurethane foam. The release device used is the Hammar H20 hydrostatic release. At a depth of 4 to 12ft, the release system operates and cuts the bolt. The top cover is freed and allows the beacon to rise to the surface [3] : when the beacon leaves the bottom part of the container, it is automatically in "on" position. It is absolutely necessary to follow scrupulously the installation and operation instructions. It is possible to open the container manually by removing the release pin Weight of container - 4,5 kg or 9 lb. (Epirb and container). Size - 435*220*160mm. Beacon insertion 1. The container is fixed to the wheelhouse (see installation instructions). 2. Place beacon in container according to position indicated. The operating switch is placed underneath. 3. To arm beacon, raise beacon slightly, unscrew plastic cap, switch beacon to "on". Screw plastic cap back on. Put beacon back into place. WARNING : Do not exceed 30 secs to avoid any real distress transmission. 4. To ensure that the beacon is working, raise it slightly and check that the lamp flashes after a few seconds. Put it back. The switch remains in position "on". 5. While maintaining the beacon inside the container, put the hinges into place and close the lid . 6. Slide the release pin through the axle to lock the container .
Из всех доступных тренажеров GMDSS этот, пожалуй, не самый удачный. Да, несомненно, он дает представление о принципах работы с аппаратурой, но провести полноценную тренировку на нем сложно. Там доступны лишь основные функции. Хотя, если нет доступа к реальной аппаратуре, а есть только инструкция пользователя и надо срочно освоить комплекс - симулятор окажется очень кстати.
Да, есть. Например, GMDSS Tutor "Sailor" - дает возможность попробовать большинство из возможных функций. Есть выход на справку, где объясняется как пользоваться симулятором и приборами. У меня есть эта программа, но не помню откуда скачал - она у меня уже несколько лет. Еще одна учебная программа - Maritime Communications. Там целый теоретико-практический курс на английском языке. В конце курса что-то типа ролевых игр. Вы на мостике на вахте, что-то случается и капитан приказывает вам как можно быстрее отправить сигнал бедствия, время лимитировано. Короче - отличная учебная программа для новичков. Я найду ссылки и выложу их на сайте.
Могу еще порекомендовать очень хороший on-line симулятор. На этом сайте можно либо сразу выйти на симулятор и попробовать освоить аппаратуру самостоятельно (либо освежить в памяти знания), а можно предварительно пройти курс обучения на английском языке. Симулятор и курс хорошие, они как бы дополняют сведения, полученные в результате работы с тремя предыдущими. Для начинающих могу посоветовать начать либо с этого курса, либо с Maritime Communications, потом расширить полученные знания, занимаясь на GMDSS Tutor "Sailor", и только после этого можно приступать к ознакомлению с Furuno – GMDSS Simulator.
Да, симуляторов у меня много - хобби такое. Только вот с торрентами я не в особо дружеских отношениях - мой компьютер их не любит. Для меня лично удобнее пройтись по ссылке и скачать из файлообменника.
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ГМССБ Симулятор (Фуруно) / Furuno – GMDSS Simulator
Platform: PC
Compatibility with Windows7: yes
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Operating principle
This container is used to protect an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) of the KANNAD 406 type and to ensure that it is released and that it operates automatically in the event of a boat sinking. It should be installed on the wheelhouse horizontally, so that the beacon can rise easily to the surface.
The CAL 89 [1] makes an envelope that gives excellent protection to the beacon. This envelope is made of IMPAX, a polycarbonate material extremely resistant to shocks, according to the double skin technique filled with polyurethane foam. The release device used is the Hammar H20 hydrostatic release.
At a depth of 4 to 12ft, the release system operates and cuts the bolt. The top cover is freed and allows the beacon to rise to the surface [3] : when the beacon leaves the bottom part of the container, it is automatically in "on" position. It is absolutely necessary to follow scrupulously the installation and operation instructions. It is possible to open the container manually by removing the release pin
Weight of container - 4,5 kg or 9 lb. (Epirb and container).
Size - 435*220*160mm.
Beacon insertion1. The container is fixed to the wheelhouse (see installation instructions).
2. Place beacon in container according to position indicated. The operating switch is placed underneath.
3. To arm beacon, raise beacon slightly, unscrew plastic cap, switch beacon to "on". Screw plastic cap back on. Put beacon back into place.
WARNING : Do not exceed 30 secs to avoid any real distress transmission.
4. To ensure that the beacon is working, raise it slightly and check that the lamp flashes after a few seconds. Put it back. The switch remains in position "on".
5. While maintaining the beacon inside the container, put the hinges into place and close the lid .
6. Slide the release pin through the axle to lock the container .
Operating principle
This container is used to protect an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) of the KANNAD 406 type and to ensure that it is released and that it operates automatically in the event of a boat sinking. It should be installed on the wheelhouse horizontally, so that the beacon can rise easily to the surface.
The CAL 89 [1] makes an envelope that gives excellent protection to the beacon. This envelope is made of IMPAX, a polycarbonate material extremely resistant to shocks, according to the double skin technique filled with polyurethane foam. The release device used is the Hammar H20 hydrostatic release.
At a depth of 4 to 12ft, the release system operates and cuts the bolt. The top cover is freed and allows the beacon to rise to the surface [3] : when the beacon leaves the bottom part of the container, it is automatically in "on" position. It is absolutely necessary to follow scrupulously the installation and operation instructions. It is possible to open the container manually by removing the release pin
Weight of container - 4,5 kg or 9 lb. (Epirb and container).
Size - 435*220*160mm.
Beacon insertion
1. The container is fixed to the wheelhouse (see installation instructions).
2. Place beacon in container according to position indicated. The operating switch is placed underneath.
3. To arm beacon, raise beacon slightly, unscrew plastic cap, switch beacon to "on". Screw plastic cap back on. Put beacon back into place.
WARNING : Do not exceed 30 secs to avoid any real distress transmission.
4. To ensure that the beacon is working, raise it slightly and check that the lamp flashes after a few seconds. Put it back. The switch remains in position "on".
5. While maintaining the beacon inside the container, put the hinges into place and close the lid .
6. Slide the release pin through the axle to lock the container .
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GMDSS Tutor "Sailor"
Maritime Communications
На этом сайте можно либо сразу выйти на симулятор и попробовать освоить аппаратуру самостоятельно (либо освежить в памяти знания), а можно предварительно пройти курс обучения на английском языке. Симулятор и курс хорошие, они как бы дополняют сведения, полученные в результате работы с тремя предыдущими.
Для начинающих могу посоветовать начать либо с этого курса, либо с Maritime Communications, потом расширить полученные знания, занимаясь на GMDSS Tutor "Sailor", и только после этого можно приступать к ознакомлению с Furuno – GMDSS Simulator.