twicer ® 02-Nov-2021 13:42

Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: USCG
Genre: Handbook
Quality: Unknown
Pages count: 444 (Print length)
Description: Current edition of Navigation Rules & Regulations Inland and International colregs. This book meets USCG carriage requirements, REQUIRED on-board all vessels over 12 meters, approximately 39 feet in length. Covers Inland Navigation Rules and Current edition of Navigation Rules & Regulations Inland and International colregs. Used for USCG licensing exams, the principles described in this book are critical for safe navigation. Paradise Cay Publications offers Notice to Mariners changes incorporated within the text for the best up-to-date version of this publication. MORE ABOUT NAV RULES: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Used for USCG licensing exams, the principles described in this book are critical for safe navigation. Paradise Cay Publications offers Notice to Mariners changes incorporated within the text for the best up-to-date version of this publication. The Navigation Rules & Regulations Handbook (Nav Rules) contains the essentials of boating protocol and safety. It is the reference manual every boat should carry and every skipper should be intimately familiar with. So valuable in fact the US Coast Guard REQUIRES a copy on board all vessels 12 meters (approximately 39') or more in lenght: 34;33 CFR 83.01(g) requires: 'The operator of each self-propelled vessel 12 meters or more in length shall carry, on board and maintain for ready reference, a copy of these Rules.' This handbook is a compendium produced by the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Standards Branch, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC, of the: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS); Inland Navigation Rules (33 CFR 83); their respective technical annexes (33 CFR 84-90); COLREGS Demarcation Lines (33 CFR 80); Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Regulations, (33 CFR 26); Vessel Traffic Management Regulations (33 CFR 161); and, various other pertinent provisions of the U.S. Code and Code of Federal Regulations regarding compliance and penalties associated with the Navigation Rules.



Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook

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