twicer ® 11-Nov-2021 21:51

Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: IMO
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 312
Description: This Guide has been developed to consolidate existing IMO maritime security-related material
into an easily read companion guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security
(ISPS) Code in order to assist States in promoting maritime security through development of the requisite legal
framework, the associated administrative practices and procedures, and the necessary material, and technical
and human resources. It is intended both to assist SOLAS Contracting Governments in the implementation of,
verification of, compliance with and enforcement of the provisions of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code,
and to serve as an aid and reference for those engaged in delivering capacity-building activities in the field of
maritime security.
Users of this Guide should be aware that references to IMO instruments may become out of date by the
adoption of more recent instruments. Users are therefore invited to consult their national Administration or the
IMO website for information on the status of referenced instruments.





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b.stepney 08-Apr-2022 11:44
Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code - IMO [2021, PDF]
Hello, this file have not page 301 to end, do u have complete version?
Thank you.
gillnumil 08-Apr-2022 16:10
Number of pages here refers to the actual count on the pdf. In this book its 312 pages.
300 is the last page number printed on the book..hence your confusion regarding the remaining 12 pages.
the pages + cover page + content page makes it 312.
So the author has provided correct information.
Usually in a scanned copy there might be chances of some pages missing.
This one is an ebook.
b.stepney 09-Apr-2022 05:03
84496b.stepney, This is the complete version!
Number of pages here refers to the actual count on the pdf. In this book its 312 pages.
300 is the last page number printed on the book..hence your confusion regarding the remaining 12 pages.
the pages + cover page + content page makes it 312.
So the author has provided correct information.
Usually in a scanned copy there might be chances of some pages missing.
This one is an ebook.
In the contens page 12, this code should have page 303 to 413, but this file only 312 pages.
Conference resolution 1 – Adoption of amendments to the Annex
to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 303
Conference resolution 2 – Adoption of the International Code for the Security
of Ships and of Port Facilities 317
Preamble 318
Foreword 323
Part A: Mandatory requirements regarding the provisions of chapter XI-2 of the Annex
to the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea, 1974, as amended
1 General 324
2 Definitions 324
3 Application 325
4 Responsibilities of Contracting Governments 326
5 Declaration of Security 326
6 Obligations of the Company 327
7 Ship security 327
8 Ship security assessment 328
9 Ship security plan 329
10 Records 330
11 Company security officer 331
12 Ship security officer 332
13 Training, drills and exercises on ship security 332
14 Port facility security 332
gillnumil 09-Apr-2022 13:19
b.stepney, Noted.
The new code finishes at Appendix 5 as per contents.
Thereafter its old Resolutions and the older ISPS Code.
Nevertheless, it should be included in this post.
Wait for the uploader to reply. maybe he can explain its omission.
Kaung Min Mo 25-Feb-2023 11:25
I have been trying to download this book 2 weeks. Please help me for seeding.
There is no one seeding for this book.
refresh list

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