pierdolphin1950 ® 18-Nov-2021 13:36

IPIECA - IOGP - Oil spill surveillance planning guidance

Year: 2021
Language: english
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 36
Description: The guidance is intended to form the basis of a scalable surveillance strategy for use in a response situation. It
describes how a surveillance plan can be developed to support the management of a comprehensive
surveillance programme. A structured and coherent plan will enable good situational awareness through the
collection of accurate and targeted information in a timely manner. This guidance aims to inform the
development of a surveillance plan that is aligned to the response objectives and priorities, anticipates the
changing needs for response over time, and ensures that response activities are adapted appropriately to serve a
variety of purposes.



IPIECA - IOGP - Oil spill surveillance planning guidance.pdf

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