twicer ® 30-Nov-2021 13:51

Sailing: A Beginner's Guide: The Simplest Way to Learn to Sail

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: Tim Hore
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Fernhurst Books
Edition: 1st (July 23, 2021)
ISBN: 9781912621361
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 192
Description: Sailing: A Beginner’s Guide is the perfect partner either for anyone new to dinghy sailing or for those looking to refresh their sailing techniques. Step-by-step instructions explain the basic skills of sailing a single- or two-person dinghy. You’ll be guided through each stage of the learning process, starting with what you need to know prior to setting out on the water and how to stay safe.
Sailing is a wonderful sport, it takes place in the open air, on the water and is powered by something that’s free and eco-friendly – the wind! It is a sport for life: captivating children and giving them a sense of responsibility as they skipper their own boat and continuing to give pleasure well beyond retirement, whether it be competing against others or taking it more gently.
Using this book you can get afloat, learn to sail and start having fun using the step-by-step advice, photo sequences and diagrams. This jargon-free guide allows complete novices to get out on the water with the minimum of fuss. One- and two-person dinghies are covered, along with rigging, knots, safety, handling and much more.
Originally published as ‘Learn to Sail’, it now forms part of Fernhurst Books’ series of Beginner’s Guides covering surfing, SUP and inflatable kayaking. It can be used on its own or as a compliment to traditional sailing courses run by sailing schools everywhere and is aligned very closely to standard teaching qualifications. It is also linked to many YouTube videos so you get a real flavour and feel for the sport of sailing.
Many of the photographs are taken from remote onboard cameras, including one at the top of the mast, to provide unique and highly instructive images.


Table of Contents:
Know your boat
Your sailing environment & safety
Rules of the road
Points of sailing
Key factors
Beach launching & recovery
Pontoon launching & recovery
Your first sail
How to tack
Capsize & recovery
How to gybe


Beginners Guide_The Simplest Way to Learn to Sail.epub

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