twicer ® 04-Feb-2022 17:15

Weather Workbook: Questions, Answers and Resources on Marine Weather

Year: 2018
Language: english
Author: David Burch
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Starpath Publications
Edition: 1st (reprint)
ISBN: 9780914025092
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 147
Description: Questions, answers, and resources on marine weather.
This workbook was designed to supplement the text Modern Marine Weather by David Burch, but it can also be used by those who have learned or are studying marine weather from other sources.
It covers all aspects of practical marine weather. This workbook is used in training programs around the US. The questions and procedures covered will benefit every mariner whose job it is to take weather into account on the planning and navigation of ocean, coastal, or inland voyages. This is especially valuable knowledge for racing sailors who wish to achieve that extra edge on their competitors.
It is a through overview of the subject. Anyone who answers all of these questions can be confident that they have a firm and practical grasp of marine weather that will enhance their interpretation and planning around the weather.
Sections on weather map reading are included. There are multiple choice questions as well as short essay questions all with complete answers.
The section called Points to Ponder along with their answers provide a summary of the key decisions that must be made in practical marine weather, both in planning and underway.
The book is designed for all mariners, recreational and professional. The level of training covered exceeds that required for any sailing program certification or professional deck license exam.

to supplement the Modern Marine Weather


Modern Marine Weather: From Time-honored Traditional Knowledge to the Latest Technology - David Burch [2018, EPUB/PDF/AZW/MOBI]

Author: David Burch | Year: 2018 | Language: english | Format: EPUB/PDF/AZW/MOBI | Quality: eBook | Pages count: 272 pages (Print length) | Genre: Guide

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Weather Workbook - Questions, Answers, and Resources on Marine Weather David Burch 2018

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Kyle723uk 20-Nov-2023 16:52
Hi Twicer,
Good day. I have been trying to download this book for a while. Is it possible that you can seed it again? Much appreciate.
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