twicer ® 23-Apr-2022 10:34

The Future of Maritime Safety

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: Inmarsat
Genre: Research papers
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 52
Description: What does the future hold for safety at sea and how should the industry adapt to prevent serious accidents from occurring and ultimately, save lives?
Any vessel at sea can be exposed to many dangers, from severe weather conditions to equipment failure, piracy, and unpredictable circumstances such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic and crew change crisis, resulting in exhausted crew members.
The latest research showcases three years of Inmarsat Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) vessel distress call data, providing unique insights into some of today’s trends, highlighting the need for a strong collaborative industry approach and cultural change to focus minds on true areas for concern and develop a vision for shipping’s future.
The report also establishes significant trends that merit close scrutiny by all stakeholders and offers a powerful example of the potential for analytics and new technology to provide the basis for a data-driven and more proactive safety to prevent serious accidents in the future.



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