twicer ® 26-Aug-2022 17:36

Detailed Solutions to “100 Problems in Celestial Navigation" Volumes 1 & 2

Year: 202x
Language: english
Author: Nick de Munnik
Genre: Practical guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 425 + 404
Description: First things first. If you don’t already have “100 Problems in Celestial Navigation” by Leonard Gray, please pick it up. Mr. Gray does a great job of laying out the scenarios as if you are actually on the voyage and provides a lot of great details on planning your sights. You will be busy for months working through these problems and be ready to be a navigator for Columbus when you are done!
That being said, Mr. Gray gives absolutely NO information on HOW to solve the problems. His book is like a celestial navigation test with all of the problem details and an answer key. The answer key consists of the expected fix and a statement about its reliability. If your solution doesn’t match, where did you go wrong?
“Detailed Solutions” is the work you need to show to get full credit on the test. It fills in all the data between the problem and solution in a format consistent with solving the problem by hand. Each solution consists of a 1-page summary of the inputs and outputs, a graph of the resulting LOPs showing the fix, and a completed plotting form for each sight showing every value you will use from the Nautical Almanac and Pub. 229.
All pages of the solution are calculated and output from the ezAlmanacOne app. The output is to plotting sheets and sight reduction forms as developed and explained by Nick de Munnik in his book “Practical Navigation Illustrated”.



Detailed Solutions

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