twicer ® 02-Dec-2022 21:50

Marco Polo: The remarkable firsthand story of the first Kiwis to sail around the world

Year: 2022
Language: english
Author: Tony Armit
Genre: History
Publisher: Shadow Press
Edition: September 13, 2022
ISBN: 9780473646134
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 592 Print length
Description: In 1951, an 18-year-old Kiwi lad named Tony Armit decided to build a 28-foot wooden yacht. Three years later, he christened her Marco Polo, then with a former school rugby mate, Brian ‘Tig’ Loe, set sail from Auckland on an epic voyage... and whatever adventure may await.
In the process, Tony and Tig became the first New Zealanders to circumnavigate the globe.
Tony always intended to write a book, and now – about 70 years later – he has, telling the story here for the first time in full – a vital addition to New Zealand’s proud sailing heritage.
Through near disaster, good fortune, storm and calm, it’s a yarn full of humour, drama, can-do Kiwism, romance and adventure, as Tig, Tony and Marco experience the world as it was in the 1950s. First heading to Australia, then across the Indian Ocean to South Africa, round the Cape, across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, North America, the Panama Canal, the Galápagos, the Pacific Islands – and points between – encountering a host of colourful and unique characters along the way.
A must-read for lovers of sailing and true-life adventure, and a perfect book for the boat or bach.



Marco Polo_The Remarkable Firsthand Story of the First Kiwis to Sail Around the World.epub

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