twicer ® 31-Dec-2022 17:39

Draft Guidelines for port State and flag State authorities on how to deal with seafarer abandonment cases

Year: 2022
Language: english
Author: ILO, IMO
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 25
Description: Joint ILO-IMO meeting adopts guidelines on seafarer abandonment.
New measures to improve conditions for seafarers, including those who have been abandoned, have been adopted at a meeting involving governments and maritime workers and employers’ organizations.
The present Guidelines are addressed primarily to port State and flag State authorities. They are intended to be a reference tool of principles that can be reflected in the design and implementation of policies, strategies, programmes, legislation, administrative measures and social dialogue mechanisms on the resolution of cases of abandonment of seafarers.
The Guidelines draw on: (i) relevant ILO international labour standards, notably the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006), including the relevant amendments adopted by the Special Tripartite Committee of the MLC, 2006, in 2022; (ii) relevant IMO international frameworks and agreements and policies; and (iii) relevant trends and developments in regional and national law and practice. They are consistent with the ILO Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the MLC, 2006, as amended, and the ILO Guidelines for flag State inspections under the MLC, 2006, as amended.






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