twicer ® 04-Feb-2023 12:15

ATP-02.1 Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (NCAGS)

Year: 2014
Language: english
Author: NATO
Genre: Guide
Edition: Edition A Version 1
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 54
Description: In order to both reduce conflict of interest between military and merchant shipping, and to enhance safety and security on sea, NATO developed and implemented the Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (NCAGS) concept.
NCAGS provides the interface between military operations and merchant shipping. This interface involves the provision of military cooperation, guidance, advice, and assistance to merchant shipping. NCAGS is employed to enhance the safety of participating merchant ships in the operations area while supporting military objectives.
The purpose of the NCAGS organization is to provide Ship Owners, Operators, Masters and Officers with information regarding the interaction between naval forces and merchant shipping. Support takes place in peacetime, tension, crisis and conflict.
Benefits for civilian shipping:
•Enhanced safety and security
•Reduced delays when transiting through military areas of operation
•Improved threat response
•Enhanced understanding of military activity
•Potential for reduced insurance premiums in risk area



ATP-02.1_NCAGS_Guide 2014.pdf

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