gillnumil ® 03-May-2023 09:31

Red Ensign Group Yacht Code (REG Code): Part A & B Including Corrigenda 1 & 2

Year: 2019
Language: english
Author: Red Ensign Group
Genre: Convention (rules)
Edition: January
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: Multiple
Description: This Code of Practice has been developed jointly by the United Kingdom, its relevant overseas territories and crown dependencies1, and international industry representatives. The Code prescribes standards of safety and pollution prevention which are appropriate to the size and type of yacht. The standards applied are either set by the relevant International Conventions or by equivalent standards where it is not reasonable or practicable for yachts to comply.
Part A: Large Yacht Code (upto 12 passengers)
The purpose of Part A of the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code (“the Code”), is to provide design criteria, construction standards and other safety measures for yachts carrying no more than 12 passengers so as to minimise the risk to such yachts, persons onboard and the environment. The criteria are largely aligned to the Conventions and Instruments referred to in the preamble to the Code, but have been modified to create an equivalence where deemed appropriate to ensure their suitability for application to yachts.
Part B: Passenger Yacht Code (upto 36 passengers)
The purpose of Part B of the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code (“the Code”), is to provide design criteria, construction standards and other safety measures for yachts carrying no more than 36 passengers so as to minimise the risk to such yachts, persons onboard and the environment. The criteria are largely aligned to the Conventions and Instruments referred to in the preamble to the Code, but have been modified to create an equivalence where deemed appropriate to ensure their suitability for application to yachts.
Additional info: January 2019 Edition including Corrigenda no.1 & no.2.


Part A
Part B
Corrigenda No. 1
Corrigenda No. 2
Common Annexes - Including Corrigenda No. 1 & 2



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