Vitbar192 ® 05-Mar-2024 06:32

Dolphins Under My Bed

Year: 2011
Language: English
Author: Clayton S.
Genre: History
Publisher: ‎ Adlard Coles
ISBN: ‎ 1408132885
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 322
Description: Proving that sailing is not just the husband's pursuit, this charming narrative of one couple's first long distance voyage is told from the wife's perspective. Writing in a lively, humorous way, Sandra Clayton gives an entertaining account of her and husband David's maiden cruise from the UK, down the Atlantic coast and into the warm waters of the Mediterranean. Conscious that old age or poor health could prevent them from sailing away for much longer, they left the world of work behind to chase their dream of adventure. Conditions are sometimes maddening, occasionally dangerous, but frequently magical. Marine creatures enchant their days while ships that pass in the night add a touch of romance.
But the book is far more than just the story of the Claytons' 2000 mile trip. Somewhat unprepared for what faced them on the way, they had to learn from their own mistakes, finding themselves in places and situations where they never expected to be. The book has plenty to offer those who might consider embarking on a similar voyage of their own: learn how the Claytons did it, which route they took, the beautiful locations they visited, who they met along the way, and their good decisions as well as their bad. A great bunkside read, it may inspire others to make a similar break themselves.



Clayton S. Dolphins Under My Bed, 2011

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