Cabral1500 ® 06-May-2024 08:13

Statics and Dynamics of the Ship

Year: 1966
Language: English
Author: V. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: Peace Publishers
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 595
Description: This Book is intended for the use of students at shipbuilding institutes and may also serce as a text for research and design engineers engaged in ship construction.
The book treats the problems concerned with the buoyancy and stability of a complete and demaged ship encountered by the naval architect in the design, building and operation of ships. It presents the theory of the subject matter and the methods of calculations employed in ship cpnstruction.
The technique of calculationis illustrated by numerical examples in a number of cases. In distinction to other books dealing with the problems of buoyancy and stability of ships, this text covers both static and dynamic effects.
Some theoretical porpositions and calculations have been developed by the author and are published in the world naval literature for the firdt time.




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