Abyrax ® 07-Jun-2024 09:22

MSA Gas Detection Handbook

Year: 2022
Language: English
Author: Mine Safety Appliances Company
Genre: Manual
Edition: 9
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 156
Description: Gas Detection Handbook: Key Concepts & Reference Material for Gas Monitoring Systems
Your handbook for key terms and concepts in gas detection. Access information such as specific gas properties, exposure limits, and other data. Information includes: most widely-used gas detection technologies, overview of flame detection technologies, gas hazards common to specific applications, and more!
The Handbook contains:
• A glossary of essential gas detection terms and abbreviations.
• A summary of key principles in combustible and toxic gas monitoring.
• Reference data – including physical properties and exposure limits – for the most commonly monitored gases,
in industrial and various other environments.
• A comparison of the most widely-used gas detection technologies.
• A table indicating the gas hazards common to specific applications within major
• A summary of key gas detection instrumentation approvals information, including hazardous locations classification.
• MSA’s exclusive Sensor Placement Guide, detailing important factors to take into consideration when determining
optimum gas sensor placement.





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