SerTan ® 23-Oct-2015 08:46

Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation. Vol.3

Year: 1987
Language: english
Author: USA Defence Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center
Publisher: Hydrographic Department of UK Ministry of Defence
Edition: NP 401(3)
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 401
Description: The Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation is published in six Volumes, each of which contains two eight-degree zones of latitude with a one-degree overlap between Volumes. They are designed to facilitate the practice of celestial navigation at sea. The tables are primarily used with the Intercept method of sight reduction by entering arguments of latitude, declination, and Local Hour Angle and obtaining tabulated altitudes and azimuth angles.
Present book contains area covered by latitudes: 30-45 (inclusive)
Additional info: Interactive menu is added.
You can find the Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation. Vol.4 there:

Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation. Vol.4 - USA Defence Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center [1987, PDF]

Author: USA Defence Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center | Year: 1987 | Language: english | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanned pages | Pages count: 401 | Publisher: Hydrographic Department of UK Ministry of Defence

Open released by SerTan

Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation Vol.3.pdf

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Thank U
SerTan ® 28-Oct-2015 18:38
16488Are you going to upload vol 1 and 2 brotha?
I will upload all of them (included 3 & 4 but much smaller size) a bit later - today evening or tomorrow.
SerTan ® 28-Oct-2015 21:07
You can find the full set (6 books) of USA edition of Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation there:

Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation - National Imagery and Mapping Agency USA [2015, PDF]

Author: National Imagery and Mapping Agency USA | Year: 2015 | Language: english | Format: PDF | Quality: eBook | Pages count: 397 x 6 | Publisher: National Imagery and Mapping Agency USA

Open released by SerTan

That set is more light (46Mb only) and better quality.
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