1. General provisions |
Forum-tracker created by Seamen and for Seamen. The word Seaman in this case, refers to the people of Maritime professions in the Maritime and River fleet, the Navy and the Fishing fleet. It also is possible to classify the people who work at the maritime specialties offshore, or build vessels, or interested in water-motor sports and boat model making. As well as the students of various marine, river , Maritime and fisheries educational institutions. Seamen, who created this forum-tracker - from different countries, different specialties, different levels of proficiency, but all have one thing in common - the sea. Therefore, the forum-tracker has Maritime focus.
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:03
The rules are obligatory for execution by all participants of the forum-tracker.The administration reserves the right to disconnect from the forum, deactivate, or delete user accounts of forum participants and all of their manifestations of activity that violate the current Rules, and close out-of-date and other topics,which are not relevant to the subject site, without prior notice and explanation of their actions, according to the terms of this agreement.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:04
These rules are not exhaustive and do not describe all possible situations, nuances, provisions, permissions and prohibitions. In all cases of dispute, the final word remains with the Administration.The administration reserves the right to modify these and additional Rules or to make temporary exceptions to them at its discretion.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:05
2. Registration |
Registration is an integral part of presence on the forum.
Redaction v.7: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-10-11 21:43
The registration automatically means Your Agreement with current Rules.
If You do not agree with these Rules, please write to the Administrator of the forum. He deactivates or deletes Your account.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:07
The user has the right to register and use only one account.
Your name (nickname) that you have chosen to participate in the forum should not repeat already existing with the substitution of Cyrillic-Latin alphabet and Vice versa.
Redaction v.9: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-01-13 14:48
Your name (nickname) should not violate the social norms of decency and morality.
Redaction v.8: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:40
Your name (nickname) should not contain address or advertising sites.
Redaction v.6: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:21
It is prohibited to use profanity in name (nickname).
Redaction v.4: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:22
Your name (nickname) should not contain only of numbers, random set of characters or used special characters.
Your name (nickname) should not be similar to the point of confusion with the moderator or administrator name (nickname).
Redaction v.5: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:21
Your name (nickname) should not be similar to the point of confusion with the moderator or admin rank or status.
Redaction v.4: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:21
The required number of characters in the name (nickname) - at least three.
Redaction v.2: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-08-30 01:45
It is prohibited to use so-called temporary or disposable e-mail addresses.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:23
In case of violation of the rules 2.4 , 2.5 , 2.6 , 2.7 , 2.8 , 2.13 - your account may be deactivated or deleted without notice.
Redaction v.4: zxc, Arcan, from 2021-02-10 03:02
If you violate the rules 2.9 , 2.10 , 2.11 , 2.12 - you may be asked to choose a different name (nickname) for renaming.
Redaction v.4: zxc, Arcan, from 2021-02-10 03:03
Your name (nickname) will be used as a login to the forum-tracker
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:42
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:44
3. Forum restrictions |
All forum users are forbidden to insult the forum participants in any form. Participants must comply with respectful form of communication.
Redaction v.5: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:49
It is prohibited to use foul language in the communication on the forum.
Redaction v.5: zxc, Arcan, from 2019-05-09 19:26
It is prohibited Flame, flood and incitement reproduction off-topic (except for the forum Smoking Room); Overposting, trolling, and other provocations violation of the Rules.
It is forbidden to create threads with titles that do not reflect in brief their essence ("help", "problem", etc.); which has already been discussed or is similar to available meaning; not suitable for the topic of the chosen forum. To avoid this, use the search function.
Redaction v.6: Arcan from 2019-04-12 13:56
It is forbidden to publish quacks, serial numbers, etc. in clear form. Use the spoiler tag to publish. [spoiler]hidden text[/spoiler]
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:00
It is prohibited to publish anywhere within the forum-tracker in graphic or text advertising messages; commercial messages; links to other resources for advertising purposes; any reference to a closed type community of social networks.
It is strictly forbidden to use forum for commercial purposes.
Redaction v.4: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:04
It is not allowed to use the forum as a Bulletin Board for private messages addressed to a particular user (for this there is a mail - PM - Private Messages).
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:06
It is prohibited advertising and spam of any nature, including a PM (Personal Message).
It is forbidden to show racial, national and religious hostility and hatred, including and contemptuous display of disrespect and hatred of any national languages, including Russian; to promote terrorism, extremism, fascism, drugs and other themes that are incompatible with accepted laws, rules of morality and decency.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:26
It is not allowed to post direct download links(Rather create/upload it as a release/torrent) or refer to other network resources, especially if there is a distribution on this forum (exceptions may be links to thematic marine sites, the site of the developer or the author, file sharing services).
It is not allowed to communicate on the forum with language other than literary Russian / English, and a font other than Cyrillic (transliterated) and Latin; to deliberately ignore the rules of Russian / English, to distort it and overuse slang.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:18
In the absence of the Russian keyboard layout you can use the Translit button in the quick reply window; or on-line transliteration, and virtual keyboard - translit.ru
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:16
It is not allowed to abuse the use of forum [tags], pictures, unrelated to the content of the release, and emoticons. Under the misuse of means including the use of non-standard colors and fonts more than 15% of the total volume of the text, as well as the unjustified use of messages is red - it is the right of Moderators and Administrators. Users can highlight in red only critical small areas of text, if there is a good reasonable necessity to bring them to the attention of other users.
It is not allowed to use CONTINUOUS CAPITAL letters (Caps Lock).
Redaction v.6: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-08-30 17:43
It is forbidden to claim and to discuss publically the actions or inaction of the Moderator or Administrator. The forum member who considers the actions of a Moderator misconduct, may Express his disagreement to the Moderator by mail or in a personal message. If there is a Moderator response within a reasonable time or the response, in the opinion of the participant, unjustified, in the established order the right to appeal actions of the Moderator in a special topic of User complaints about moderators and as arguments to provide the property with correspondence with the Moderator. Administration decisions are final and not subject to discussion.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:23
It is not allowed to edit or delete in user's messages comments and notes, left by Moderators and Administrators.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:25
It is forbidden to discuss the work of the fake torrent clients and any ways to cheat the tracker statistics system, including bypass of the accounting Ratio.
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:40
It is not allowed to use the option "Report this post" for a purpose not covered by these Rules and failure to comply with the conditions specified on the page of complaint/application.
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:28
It is not allowed to use anywhere else for posting images and screenshots of the so-called forbidden fotohostings. Allowed photohostings: imgur.comFor registration of releases and labels is highly recommended NOT to use third-party photohosting servers. Moderators have the right and will require you to upload images to our server.
Redaction v.4: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:32
It is forbidden to post images with erotic or pornographic content.
Redaction v.7: zxc from 2023-02-10 08:43
4. Tracker Restrictions and requirements |
Users should not create and post for download release, duplicating that already exists on seatracker (Overlapping material is not different in either substance or quality; the distribution in the Archives are not taken into account)
Redaction v.4: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:38
Users should not create and post for download release, containing in its title/header diacritics, hieroglyphs, Arabic script, etc. characters (Unicode characters / Unicode) as the main original title if the original is not duplicated the English version or translit, or if not duplicated with the replacement of apparently similar characters for Latin. It is necessary for the health of the internal search.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:39
It is forbidden to create and post for download the release, containing the scenes and objects that violate the generally accepted norms of morality, pornography, explicit erotic, propaganda of drug addiction, the materials of the nationalist and racist wing, and other referred to in paragraph 3.10 of these Rules, as well as various Databases that are missing in the free legal access, etc.
Redaction v.4: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:42
It is prohibited to create and post for download the release, containing in its title, description or file names, foul language or euphemisms.
Redaction v.5: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:57
It is forbidden exchange of torrent-files (*.torrent not the content of the releases) with other online resources: - Upload to other Internet resources, downloaded from here torrent files, except for torrent files with platinum releases (the last is allowed and encouraged!)
- When you create a release to attach the torrent file previously registered (downloaded) on another tracker (the torrent file for the release you need to create your own!).
Redaction v.5: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:48
It is not allowed to get away from the seeding after the end of the download/distribution before the appearance of the 3 downloaders (seeders).
It is not allowed to close the channel of upload. You should maintain the ratio of the volume of information uploaded to the volume downloaded more than 0.1. If Ratio < 0.1 and already downloaded 20 Gb - downloads prohibited. Allowed a one-time reset ratio. Upload the fully-downloaded releases resolved ALWAYS to provide the ability to raise the rating.
Redaction v.6: Arcan from 2019-04-12 14:56
It is prohibited to create and post for download release in the cumulative files, without prior approval from the relevant moderator, namely: - the archive (RAR, ZIP, ...) is prohibited in all categories of the tracker,
- in the disk image (ISO, MDF, NRG, ...) is prohibited for books, allowed for software.
To eliminate this violation, you need to create a torrent from the folder as shown in the picture 
Redaction v.8: zxc, Arcan, from 2023-08-15 08:10
Unauthorized remove/update of torrent or release without prior notification of moderator or reason explanation is not allowed.
It is prohibited to use fake and cheat torrent clients/utilities on the tracker and other methods of manipulation Upload/Download and system fraud statistics tracker, otherwise your account will be deactivated or deleted without warning with zeroing all Upload.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:14
All users who create and posting releases on the tracker must before creating of release personally check the quality of this issue and specify the accuracy of the information about release.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:17
The name of a single file or folder with the files in the release may contain the name of the tracker. Examples: Filename_[seatracker].avi ; Folder_filename_[seatracker]
In the case of Russian name of file or folder - files and folders should use Latin alphabet (transliteration).
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:19
Releases should contain either Russian or English language ( If it is book - it should be with one of above languages; if it is video - it should contain at least one of above languages in subtitles; if it is software - it should contain one of above languages as interface language; etc). Releases with other languages should be placed into this category only.
It is prohibited to distribute materials downloaded from the tracker on other resources without the releaser's permission.
Redaction v.1: zxc from 2021-06-06 00:42
5. Rules of torrent commenting |
Torrent comment system created to: - ask a question about features of the distribution, if it is insufficient in the description or similar issue was not addressed in the comments above
- provide interesting or important information related to the distribution.
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:24
We welcome friendly comments containing additional interesting or useful data, including relevant and just witty and funny messages (with the exception of the discussion of releases with multi-page topics).
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:25
If You do not intend to connect to distribution - do not comment it.
Redaction v.3: zxc, Arcan, from 2022-04-21 09:30
In the comments are prohibited any languages other than Russian and English.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:26
It is forbidden flame, flood and instigating and trolling and other provocations.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:27
Overquoting is prohibited. Quote only important, essential parts of the message, or use the "Reply" button. If there is a need to quote a long message - hide it under the spoiler.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:30
It is prohibited baseless negative comments regarding upcoming release; releaser; regarding other participants in the discussion. Also prohibited to significally lower the user's reputation, put plenty minus signs tobthe rating of its messages. Remember, releases on our tracker in any way not designed to meet your personal requests, if you don't like the release or download speed - try to find something suitable to you in another place without negative comments here.
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:35
It is prohibited unreasoned statements about the contents of malware (viruses, etc.) in the release without screenshot of Antivirus with information about the threat (or similar excerpts from the log file of the antivirus), untitled/the version of the antivirus and date anti-virus signatures (virus database updates).
It is strongly recommended to check out the controversial file online at virustotal.com and provide in the comments a link to the scan results of this file.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:37
Every user's message can be edited by user during 24 hours from time when it has been posted.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:38
It is possible and necessary to Express respect to the author of distribution by the button "ThankU", to show solidarity with the author of the comment or to Express gratitude for a useful post it is possible and it is necessary the button "a finger up". Comments like: "thank you!", "thanks", "how to download?", "give reputation" - will be removed without notice, and for a few such comments you can get a warning and even a ban.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:42
If you cannot download the torrent due to the lack of seeds, do not rush to write about it in the comments. Use the "Call seeders" button
Redaction v.1: zxc from 2022-04-21 09:40
6. Moderators and Administrators |
The moderators keep order, look for compliance with the Forum Rules and Rules of torrent registration
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:44
Moderators make decisions according compliance of user's comments to Forum Rules and compliance of release to requirements of torrent registration Rules.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:45
Moderators can edit or delete user's messages if these messages contradict or do not meet the basic requirements of the Rules and the topic of this forum, or in the other cases, if deemed it necessary.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:45
Prohibited correction by user of moderator's edits and comments. Exception - the re-edits agreed with the moderator; edit signatures/avatars with the comment by the Administration about the violation of the Rules about signature/avatar.
Redaction v.5: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:47
Moderators can remove the text from topics, which does not meet tracker requirements.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:47
Moderators can move topics to a more appropriate section of the tracker or forum.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:48
Moderators can lock threads for comment and/or move them to archive, if the subject has lost relevance; if the participants deviated from its essence; or for other reasons.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:49
Moderators can close the releases from comments and/or move them to the archive or trash directory if the release was irrelevant; if the release is considered as repetition; if the release more than one month has no seeders; if the discussion has deviated in the comments from the point of release; or for other reasons.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:49
Moderators can give users a warning for non-compliance, and in case of systematic and/or serious violation have the right temporarily close such user's access to the forum (ban), and up to deactivating by the Administration of their account.
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:50
All of above mentioned steps can be carried out by Administrators.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:50
7. Reputation |
It is forbidden to create multiple accounts and increase your reputation.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:52
It is prohibited intentionally to understate the rating of all messages of the user.
Redaction v.2: zxc, Arcan, from 2019-09-20 21:04
Users with negative reputation not allowed to reply in threads and reduce reputation of other users for revenge. Consult moderators via p.m. if you feel wronged.
It is forbidden to beg for a reputation. Users seen in this can be punished by the site administration.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-12 15:54
8. Rules of creation releases |
Before posting creation, check that the same release is not uploaded on the tracker / does not already exist. (use the search or enter the title in the release creation form).
The minimum width for uploaded poster - 300px . The poster should not be advertising and links to third party sites.
In the header it is prohibited to write in upper case (except for acronyms) or shorten the original name.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 06:55
Title: 1) It should contain not more than three authors. 2) It should contain the month/bulletin number of publish within brackets (in case of magazines / bulletins). 3) The year/edition etc. is not to be added in the title to avoid duplication. (There exists already a separate spoiler for year/edition, which is being displayed automatically).
If the text of the document in two languages, the name should be a double ( example)
Redaction v.3: Arcan from 2019-04-13 06:59
If the file size less than 500KB (the list of questions, texts from books, scans, photos, etc.), it would be better to post it in the forum as attached document or archive ( example). Allowed for attachment files
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 06:59
Try do not blindly copy text descriptions of releases from other sites. Change your description and make your own screenshots. This will have a positive impact on the tracker's development.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:00
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:02
Screenshoots upload to our server here http://seatracker.ru/gallery.phpIn the field screenshoots insert codes, like this: [url=http://seatracker.ru/pictures/aaccfd3e84eae5bb3cab3c0a2fe17706.png][img]http://seatracker.ru/pictures/thumbs/thumb_aaccfd3e84eae5bb3cab3c0a2fe17706.png[/img][/url]
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:03
Repeated releases should be moved to archive. If you notice a repeated release, report it to the moderator.
Long lists, table of contents, the forewords should be hidden under spoiler [spoiler="Spoiler Name"]Long text[/spoiler]
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:08
Information of the video file can be read with using MediaInfo
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:09
!Important If you are going to place the English book (the program), then the pre-change the language to English in the top right corner. Design form for release will become an English.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:11
If the width of the screenshots > 150px then you have put a tick in the checkbox during upload create preview and paste in the release of screenshots as a preview.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:12
Take a screenshot of the entire page. Preferably in original resolution. You can find out how to take screenshots in section 8 of our guides
For single books, always add "Contents" either as text, by copying it directly from the text, or as screenshots of all pages of contents. If you are posting a collection of books, then you should not insert the entire list of books under the spoiler. It is enough to type the list of topics that affect these books. ( as an example)
In order to re-upload torrent file for current release you need to select new torrent file by click Choose File button, then click Upload New Version button and Send topic. After you will be prompted to download the torrent file, you have to download it and agree with update of tracker list in client 
Redaction v.2: zxc, Arcan, from 2023-08-15 08:09
Re-upload of torrent files can be done only within 24 hours from the time of publication. If you need to re-upload torrent file after 24 hours from time of publication - it can be done only with moderator assistance. Messages with releases can be edited if it has one of the following statuses: - not checked,
- not formalized,
- not formalized until
If message with release has any other status, but you need to edit this message - ask moderators to change temporary status of message with release.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:17
Make appropriate screenshots as per Rule 8.17 from various places. For a book with 1-20 pages: atleast 1 screenshot. For a book with 20-50 pages: atleast 2 screenshots. For a book with >50: at least 3 screenshots. It is not allowed to attach the content or poster of publishing books as screenshots.
Do not use in the text external links to third party sites. Allowed the following links: - internal link to a similar release, topic.
- link to the website of the author, developer.
- file sharing services link
- link to the page theme (nautical theme)
The link should be made as follow: [url]http://seatracker.ru/viewtopic.php?t=2072[/url] or like this [url=http://google.ru]Google[/url] https://seatracker.ru/viewtopic.php?t=4234 or like this Google Anonymous link to the developer's website (link insert after https://href.li?): [url=https://href.li?http://www.vmware.com/ru/products/workstation/]WMVARE[/url] WMVARE
Redaction v.6: zxc, Arcan, from 2023-02-03 16:36
The name of the released file must be in the following format book Title - Author - Year ( Essential grammar in use-Murphy Raymond-2017.pdf)
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 07:23
Releases should be created in the appropriate category for your file. Books in books, programs in programs, etc. If the category is selected incorrectly, the moderator has the right to require that release have to be re-created in a new category, since there are differences in filling form fields in different categories .
Redaction v.3: Arcan, zxc, from 2020-03-06 09:40
The release name must strictly correspond to the title of the book, movie, or program. It is not allowed to interpret the name in any way, except for very long names. For these releases, the name should be selected either shortened, or in agreement with the moderator.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2020-05-05 12:41
9. Criteria for assigning status to releases |
Status setting is available for Administrators, Moderators and Releasers with 3000+ reputation. Topic icon that have been checked by releasers are marked as self-verified and colored monochrome
Redaction v.8: zxc, Arcan, from 2024-05-14 06:01
* - not checked. The moderator has not yet checked formalization of your release. This status does not affect the ability to download release. Rights: - editing of post with release ALLOWED;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-13 17:56
∏ - pre-moderation. If user does not have releases with status √, # or T in the current section, including subsections, then release automatically set to this status. Rights:- this status is currently not in use on the tracker;
- editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
- during three days this release remain visible only for moderators and releaser;
- if torrent re-uploaded status of release remain the same ∏.
Redaction v.3: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-09-14 22:05
√ - checked. Moderator checked your release, and at the moment he has no claims about formalization. In the releases created before 2014, the status "checked" was set automatically. Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
- for re-upload torrent file ask moderator to change status of release to * not checked .
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-13 18:49
T - temporary status is set: - if the release to be distributed is (or should be) replaced with another, more complete or of better quality in the near future.
- if the release contain DEMO/TRIAL software without crack
Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.6: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-10-23 18:05
% - verification. At the moment the release is checked by the moderator. Torrent download is temporarily unavailable to users. Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 19:05
? - not formalized until - status is set when the releaser makes mistakes several times and ignores their correction. Rights: - editing of post with release ALLOWED;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to create new releases without corrections of the current release;
Redaction v.5: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-10-24 13:34
! - not formalized status set, if: - in formalization of release there are gross defects, because of which it is necessary to change release and re-create torrent file;
- on the tracker is already present release in the original quality, but not made comparative screenshots;
- in the case of a claim for absorption of an existing release, but impossible due to the worst filling of the container;
- in the case of similar quality to the existing release without a claim for absorption, but at the intersection of at least one of the same translation;with a large number (from 4 and above) of small defects in the description of the distribution.
Rights: - editing of post with release ALLOWED;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.4: zxc, Arcan, from 2023-07-01 03:46
# - doubtful status is set: - in the absence of a log encoding;if the video bitrate is greatly inflated or understated without sufficient reason (at the discretion of the moderator);
- if you do not specify the quality of the source code or repackaging or its origin (link to the tracker or the name of a third-party resource without a fully qualified domain name);
- if the release is made with minor violations, the release has questionable video and audio technical parameters.
- if there are missing files in the release, or if there are corrupted files.
- if there are other doubts about the content of the release.
Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.5: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-10-23 18:04
∑ - absorbed. Absorption criteria for books: - new edition of the book absorbs all the old, old editions are sent to the archive with reference to the new
- ebook format absorbs all other formats (scanned pages, OCR with errors, photo etc.)
- OCR without errors absorbs formats without OCR or with errors
- a book with full set of pages absorbs a book with missing pages
- multi-format release absorbs a single-format release (only if one of the ebook books). Example: release with PDF(ebook)+EPUB(ebook) absorbs release PDF (ebook)
- a well-formed release absorbs a release with mistakes (without index, screenshots etc)
- release should moved to the Archive
Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.3: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-09-14 22:07
D - repeat. A repeat is a book with the same quality, year of publication and number of pages. Should moved to the Archive Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users.
Redaction v.2: zxc, Arcan, from 2020-09-14 22:07
© - closed by copyright holders. The copyright holder has the full right to regulate the methods of distribution of its products. Releases closed by copyright holders are deleted automatically after some time or immediately upon request. Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status ALLOWED to set thanks by other users.
Redaction v.2: zxc, Arcan, from 2019-04-13 21:52
x - closed. The release was closed for other reasons than repetition. Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users.
Redaction v.1: Arcan from 2019-04-13 19:57
$ - whip-round. The status is set when you make a clubbing in the table of orders for further collection of funds for the book. Rights: - editing of post with release ALLOWED;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to download torrent by users - whip-round participants ;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users;
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-13 20:03
$ - completed. The status is set at the end of the fundraising. Rights: - editing of post with release SWITCHED OFF;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by users - whip-round participants ;
- this status ALLOWED to set thanks by other users.
Redaction v.2: Arcan from 2019-04-13 20:07
❚❚ - no seeds. The status is automatically set by the server for releases older than one month with 0 completed and seeder not seen: Never and moved to the category Archive > No seeds .
Note: if the release has statuses other than: checked, not checked, not formatted, not fully formatted, pre-moderation, then setting the status is not required!
Rights: - topic editing ALLOWED;
- this status ALLOWED to download torrent by other users;
- this status NOT ALLOWED to set thanks by other users.
Redaction v.10: zxc from 2025-01-08 17:16