zuburki ® 24-Apr-2021 03:42

NAVPAC 4.1 - Celestial Navigation Software from HMNAO

Year: 2020
Version: 4.1
Developer: HMNAO
Platform: Windows
System Requirements: Windows 8/10
200Mb of free hard drive space
1280x720 pixel colour display
256Mb of free memory (RAM)
Localization: english
Crack: Included
NavPac version 4.1.1 is supplied on CD in addition to the Admiralty publication DP330 NavPac and Compact Data 2021-2025.
NavPac enables navigators to compute their position at sea using celestial navigation, and also contains features such as calculating great circle and rhumb line tracks. There are also functions for calculating rise and set times and determining the altitude and azimuths of navigational objects. Click here for a tour of the features of NavPac. A full manual is included on the CD which also includes part of the Royal Navy's Admiralty Manual of Navigation (Volume 2).
Additional astronomical data files are also found on the CD, which can be read into any computer. Astronomers, navigators, surveyors and general users will find these data files ideal for making their own astronomical calculations where positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and bright stars are required.
NavPac is used world-wide by the Royal Navy (RN), other navies and by navigators who require an independent means of navigation. The RN Initial Warfare Officer (IWO) qualification is the equivalent of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) navigational watch certificate, and by obtaining the Ocean Navigation Certificate, which is an element of the IWO qualification, the student uses NavPac as installed on RN vessels. The tables and coefficients and the algorithm for determining position at sea from observations made with a marine sextant have been used by navigators since 1981. NavPac version 4.1.1 is supplied on CD with NavPac and Compact Data 2021-2025.
Additional info: Don't forget to click Thank You button....


NavPac 4.1

Download [12 KB]

Thank U
doiroda 12-Aug-2021 23:15
Not installing due to missing product key (4 digits) during installation. Pls. advice. Гуд! Гуд!
AdOnBoard 29-Jan-2022 11:09
I try to unlock by the website but it doesnt recognize the product key.
Help please?
julija 20-Feb-2023 18:38
Всем привет,
Архив повреждён или имеет неизвестный формат. Помогите пожалуйста узнать причину и что с этим сделать?
Исправить файл не получилось.
D_E_A 20-Feb-2023 18:58
90109Всем привет,
Архив повреждён или имеет неизвестный формат. Помогите пожалуйста узнать причину и что с этим сделать?
Исправить файл не получилось.
Возможно ваш антивирус сожрал кряк из архива. Выключите антивирус и скачайте заново, или ищите в карантине какой файл сьел антивирус.
я скачал только что, и нормально всё открылось и запустилось
julija 20-Feb-2023 21:45
D_E_A, Не помогло, такая же проблема "архив поврежден"
D_E_A 20-Feb-2023 22:10
90116D_E_A, Не помогло, такая же проблема "архив поврежден"
в личку скинул.
gorez444 21-Mar-2024 02:33
Доброго времени суток. Нет на раздаче никого....

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