skipper3362 ® 29-Янв-2022 18:23

Ventilation and Energy Efficiency in Welding Shops

Year: 2022
Language: english
Author: lexander Zhivov
Publisher: Springer
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 978-3-030-77295-6
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 133
Description: his book is based on several decades of author’s research and practical experience in the areas of process optimization, ventilation and energy conservation in welding shops of auto manufacturing and maintenance facilities. The Guide will describe principles of Weld Fume Control, advanced ventilation systems for facilities with welding and allied processes and with energy conservation opportunities that result from the process related measures to reduce emission of fumes and gases and the building envelope improvements. The objectives of the Guide are to improve the health and safety in the industrial environment and offer strategies for energy conservation. The Guide is designed for engineers, production operators and energy managers.




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