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 Principles of International Logistics - Jose L. Tongzon [2022, PDF] twicer 4 MB 10
 IAPH-Liquefied-Gas-Bunker-Checklist-STS-B-v4.0 - IAPH [2022, PDF] bjyang 762 KB 4
 IAPH-Liquefied-Gas-Bunker-Checklist-STS-A-v4.0.pdf - IAPH [2022, PDF] bjyang 735 KB 3
 Requirements for Application of Higher-Strength Hull Structural Thick Steel Plates in Container Carriers - American Bureau of Shipping(ABS) [2024, PDF] e2ner1wo 11 MB 3
 Автоматизация судовых энергетических установок - А.А. Равин, М.А. Максимова, О.И. Иванчик [2022, PDF] Технарь 37 MB 6
 Numerical Modeling: Prediction of Ship Maneuvering and Hydrodynamics During Inland Waterway Transport - Peng Du and Others [2022, PDF] twicer 11 MB 9
 The Cape Raider - Justin Fox [Dennis Kleinman, 2022] skipper3362 257 MB 0
 Безопасность эксплуатации оборудования на морских грузовых судах - Маслеева, Зеленов, Ребрушкин [2022, PDF] 5sb1 31 MB 6
 International Safety Management Code - Richard T. Dunn, Jr [2022, PDF] skipper3362 4 MB 13
 Guidelines For The Preparation Of The Cargo Securing Manual - China Classification Society [2022, PDF] Ferreirolo 4 MB 5
 Heritage and the Sea: Volume 1: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World - Ana Crespo Solana [2022, PDF] skipper3362 6 MB 5
 UK Maritime - Boat building excellence - Collective [2022, PDF] Vitbar192 4 MB 6
 Unconventional law making in the law of the sea - Natalie Klein [2022, PDF] skipper3362 43 MB 2
 National Geographic Ocean - Sylvia A. Earle [Sylvia A. Earle, 2022] skipper3362 410 MB 2
 Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change - Paul g Harris [2022, PDF] skipper3362 7 MB 4
 Британский авианосец «Игл». Первый авианосец классической схемы - Сергей Патянин [2022, PDF] 5sb1 11 MB 5
 The Military Obsessed Trilogy: Navy Special - Vaishnavi Nagaraj [2022, PDF] gillnumil 371 KB 1
 Tanker Safety Training (Liquefied Gas) - Seamanship International and Witherbys Publishing [2022, PDF] zhenya-rosko… -
 Rebels at Sea: Privateering in the American Revolution - Eric Jay Dolin [Eric Jason Martin, 2022] skipper3362 478 MB 1
 From College to Ship - Dr. Binay Singh [2022, PDF] gillnumil 2 MB 7
 Capt. Pradeep Chawla - Role Model for Ship Managers - Dr. Binay Singh [2022, PDF] gillnumil 3 MB 3
 Murder on the Sea Witch: - Irina Shapiro [Wendy Wolfson, 2022] skipper3362 223 MB 3
 Технологические основы комбинированных технологий обработки поверхности деталей из титановых сплавов - Овчинников Виктор Васильевич, Учеваткина Надежда Владимировна, Курбатова Ирина Александровна, Лукьяненко Елена Владимировна, Сбитнев Артем Геннадье 5sb1 64 MB 1
 MARPOL Edición Consolidada 2022 - Dirección General de la Marina Mercante [2023, PDF] Ferreirolo 5 MB 4
 Panama Canal Vessel requirements OP notice to shipping 1 of 2022 - Panama Canal Authority [2022, PDF] rohith3 4 MB 1
 Convoy Escort Commander: A Memoir of the Battle of the Atlantic - Sir Peter Gretton [James Cameron Stewart, 2022] skipper3362 471 MB 0
 Пути повышения хладостойкости стали и сварных соединений - Горынин Владимир Игоревич, Оленин Михаил Иванович [2022, PDF] 5sb1 60 MB 2
 Storm Warning - Alan Savage [Jonathan Brenner, 2022] skipper3362 203 MB 0
 Megalodon - Bloodbath - Michael Cole [Joshua Saxon, 2022] skipper3362 422 MB 0
 Pub. 200 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Antarctica (2020) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 6 MB 4
 Pub. 194 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Baltic Sea (Southern Part) (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 11 MB 3
 Pub. 192 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - North Sea (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 8 MB 3
 Pub. 191 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - English Channel (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 8 MB 2
 Pub. 175 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - North, West and South Coasts of Australia (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 4 MB 2
 Pub. 173 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - India and the Bay of Bengal (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 4 MB 3
 Pub. 172 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 7 MB 2
 Pub. 162 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Philippine Islands (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 7 MB 2
 Pub. 158 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Japan Vol I (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 4 MB 3
 Pub. 157 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Coasts of Korea and China (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 5 MB 3
 Pub. 154 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - British Columbia (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 10 MB 2
 Pub. 148 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Caribbean Sea Vol II (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 5 MB 2
 Pub. 147 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Caribbean Sea Vol I (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 5 MB 2
 Pub. 143 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - West Coast of Europe and Northwest Africa (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 14 MB 2
 Pub. 142 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Ireland and the West Coast of England (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 4 MB 2
 Pub. 141 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Scotland (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 7 MB 2
 Pub. 131 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - Western Mediterranean (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 13 MB 3
 Pub. 127 - Sailing Directions (Enroute) - East Coast of Australia and New Zealand (2022) - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [2022, PDF] Rahul_Shukla 7 MB 2
 Oil Tanker Cargo And Ballast Handling Simulator Course (Handout)- ARI [2022, PDF] gillnumil 4 MB 9
 Технологическая оснастка и механическое оборудование сварочного производства - Мандров Борис Иванович [2022, PDF] 5sb1 44 MB 2
 Современные судовые телекоммуникационные системы и международная радиосвязь - Афонин И.Л., Мельников А.В. [2022, PDF] Vitbar192 6 MB 3

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