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Under the Mediterranan 1 - Stella Demesticha and Lucky Blue [2021, PDF] skipper3362 36 MB 9
Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leadership and logistics from the gulf war - William G. Pagonis & Jeffrey L. Cruikshank [1992, PDF] Edgy Righter 24 MB 4
Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea - Katrin Schroeder , Jacopo Chiggiato [2023, PDF] skipper3362 17 MB 10
Корабли и сражения - Г.Смирнов [1987, DjVu] 5sb1 29 MB 7
European Port Cities and Urban Regeneration - Enrico Tommarchi [2023, PDF] skipper3362 6 MB 2
The World of Visual Time Signals for Mariners: Time Balls, Time Guns, Time Lights and Other Signals - Roger Kinns (Editor) [2024, PDF] twicer 57 MB 5
История военно-морского искусства. XIX век - ред. Смирнов Н.М. [2018, FB2] 5sb1 11 MB 4
The Suez Canal: Past Lessons and Future Challenges - Carmela Lutmar · Ziv Rubinovitz [2023, PDF] skipper3362 6 MB 6
Ocean: A History of the Atlantic Before Columbus - John Haywood [2024, EPUB] twicer 28 MB 1
The Guinness book of naval blunders - Geoffrey REGAN [1993, PDF] 5sb1 83 MB 2
Tracks on the Ocean: A History of Trailblazing, Maps, and Maritime Travel - Sara Caputo [2024, EPUB] twicer 34 MB 2
Haunted Ships: True Paranormal Ghost Ship Stories - Chronicle Press [2024, EPUB] twicer 1 MB 2
Neptune and the Netherlands State, Economy, and War at Sea in the Renaissance - louis sicking [2004, PDF] skipper3362 3 MB 2
Heritage and the Sea: Volume 1: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World - Ana Crespo Solana [2022, PDF] skipper3362 6 MB 2
Tailships: The Hunt for Soviet Submarines in the Mediterranean, 1970-1973 - John Rodgaard [2023, PDF] 5sb1 19 MB 4
The Sea in World History: Exploration, Travel, and Trade [2 volumes] - Stephen K. Stein (Editor) [2017, PDF] 5sb1 10 MB 4
Captain Louis De Freycinet and His Voyages to the Terres Australes - Hordern House [2010, PDF] marciomof 5 MB 2
John Clements Wickham: Charles Darwin's Glorious Fellow - Barrie Jamieson [2019, PDF] marciomof 24 MB 2
Ghost Ships: Sailing Through Eternity: Unveiling the Mysteries of Ghost Ships - Adrian Cave [2024, PDF] twicer 42 MB 3
The Salton Sea: The History of America’s Most Unique Lake - Charles River Editors [2022, PDF] gillnumil 2 MB 3
The Last Lighthouse Keeper: A memoir - John Cook [2020, EPUB] gillnumil 10 MB 1
Science on a Mission - Naomi Oreskes [2022, PDF] gillnumil 15 MB 3

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