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Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) - Quality Management System [2024, MP4] skipper3362 4.1 GB 3
High Voltage Safety - Antwerp Maritime Academy [20XX, PDF] zxc 33 MB 6
Maritime Dictionary - YL Wong [20XX, PDF] Nemo 6 MB 3
The Master Mariner: A Biographical Fiction - Thomas K. Joseph [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 720 KB 3
Safe Mooring Operations - Seagull [20XX, VOB] jwalcott_03 452 MB 6
Reefer Course - Fleet Management Training Institute [20xx, PPT] gillnumil 15 MB 3
Guidelines on Ship Trim Optimization - Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre for Asia [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 5 MB 7
Unique Seafood Recipes: Simple And Gourmet Recipes From Around The World - Vi Valazquez [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 4 MB 8
Instructor's Manual Seamanship 1 - 7.1 Ship Dimension and Forms - CAPT. FLORENCIO D. COSARE [20xx, PDF] Cabral1500 345 KB 6
Introduction to Naval Architecture - A.A. Bgs. Dinariyana [20xx, PDF] Cabral1500 2 MB 6
Ship Construction Notes for Deck Cadets - HP USER [20xx, PDF] Cabral1500 598 KB 13
Theoy of Ship Design - Dr Sameh Tawfik [20xx, PDF] Cabral1500 764 KB 3
COLREGS Simulator Application Software - MARTINS [20xx] madzpaolomar… 2.2 GB 0
Naval Architecture II - Solved Numericals (20xx-2019) from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase II (Chief Mate F.G.) - R. Karthick [2019, JPEG] gillnumil 16 MB 2
Basic Training for Oil, Chemical & Liqufied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations - B.P. Marine Academy [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 73 MB 3
Specialised Training Programme on Liquefied Natural Gas Tanker & Operations (STPLNGTO) - Model Course - Capt. T.K. Panda [20xx, DOC] gillnumil 12 MB 5
Liquefied Natural Gas Tanker Familiarization (LNGTF) - Model Course - Capt. T.K. Panda [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 11 MB 5
Marine Cargo Insurance - Mai Marine [20xx, PDF] sugarspicesa… 1 MB 4
SOLAS & VGM - Seiko Logistics [20xx, PDF] sugarspicesa… 2 MB 3
GP680 Ex Portable Radio BASIC USER GUIDE - Motorola [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 20 MB 3
Riken Keiki - Portable Gas Monitor GX-8000 Operating Manual - Riken Keiki Co. Ltd [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 2 MB 6
Passage Plan & Route Converter - Eastern Pacific [20XX] sugarspicesa… 973 KB 12
Vessel Standard Manoeuvres - Unknown [20xx, PDF] Loadmaster1 19 MB 5
Guidance on Port State Inspection - Indian Ocean MOU - Indian Ocean MOU [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 21 MB 4
Command Operations - Master Mariner - N/A [20xx, PDF] Loadmaster1 100 MB 5
Naval Arch Stability Notes - Phase II (Along with solved MMD Questions) - Manoj Meena [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 79 MB 2
Porsgrunn Rotary Vane Steering Gear System (Type 800-600/2) - User Manual - Aker Porsgrunn AS [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 46 MB 6
Electro Cleen - BWTS Maker's Manual - Techcross [20XX, PDF] sugarspicesa… 97 MB 9
Узлы - история, легенды, виды - YurikGL [20XX, PDF] Vitbar192 635 KB 7
Шпаргалка к GMDSS SRC (VHF) - Нет информации [20XX, PDF] Jenevnika 1009 KB 7
Road To Gold Sail-Faster Kit - Hamish Willcox [20XX, PDF] Jenevnika 363 KB 5
Ship Handling Series [20XX, MP4] jwalcott_03 536 MB 13
Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat (PSCRB): Course Handout - Seaskills Maritime Academy [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 3 MB 7
Advanced Fire Fighting: Handout - Seaskills Maritime Academy [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 3 MB 11
Syllabus for Oral Examination for ASM (Advanced Shipboard Management) / Master's Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India - D.G. Shipping, India [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 891 KB 6
Controlled Drugs Register | Log Book - L.E. West [20xx, PDF] twicer 19 MB 1
Phase I - Safety: Notes on Fatigue - Maasa Maritime Academy [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 3 MB 4
Phase I - Safety: Notes on Stress - Massa Maritime Academy [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 4 MB 4
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) [20XX, MP4] jwalcott_03 133 MB 0
MEO Class IV: Detailed Syllabus of Each Paper (Total 6) for MMD Examinations - D.G. Shipping, India [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 5 MB 4
Navigation: Doubts During Solving from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 45 MB 1
Celestial Navigation Section-B (Q.5 & 6) Solved from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 111 MB 1
Navigation: Section C: Star Identification & Suitable Star Selection (Q.7) from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 64 MB 1
Principles of Navigation Numericals: Section-C Question no. 8 & 9 Solved (2013-2017) from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 32 MB 1
Second Mates F.G. Oral Notes for Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations: Function 1, 2 & 3 - Mukesh Solanki [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 8 MB 4
Navigation - Section A: Chart 5074 solved from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.)A - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 79 MB 1
Navigation - Section C: Star Identification and Start selection (Q.7) solved from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 85 MB 0
Navigation - Section C: Principle's of Navigation (Q 8 & 9) from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 45 MB 1
Navigation - Section C: Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion (Theory and Numerical) from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 13 MB 2
Navigation - Section C: Circumpolar Bodies solved from Past Question Papers of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), India Examinations for Phase I (Chief Mate F.G.) - Makk [20xx, PDF] gillnumil 8 MB 4

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