gillnumil ® 31-Mar-2024 17:54

Liquefied Natural Gas Tanker Familiarization (LNGTF) - Model Course

Year: 20xx
Language: English
Author: Capt. T.K. Panda
Genre: Training courses
Publisher: MASSA Maritime Academy
Format: Doc
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 105
Description: The course is intended for Port Captains and jetty officers who perform specific duties related to those duties in connection with cargo and cargo equipment on LNG jetty, responsible for loading, discharging, handling of liquefied Natural gas cargo.
The trainees who successfully complete the course will enable them to liaise them with ship's officers serving on liquefied petroleum gas tankers and to perform specific duties related to those duties in connection with cargo and cargo equipment on jetty, responsible for loading, discharging, handling of liquefied petroleum gas cargo.



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