SerTan ® 07-Dec-2016 13:43

Electrical Engineering 101

Year: 2009
Language: english
Author: Darren Ashby
Genre: Reference book
Publisher: ELSEVIER
Edition: 2nd Edition
ISBN: 978-1-85617-506-7
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 287
Description: The intent of this book is to cover the basics that have been either left out of your education or forgotten over time. Hopefully it will become one of those well-worn texts that you drop on the desk of the new guy when he asks you a question. There is something for every student, engineer, manager, and teacher in electrical engineering.
At the end of each topic discussed in this book are bullet points which can be called Thumb Rules. They are what they seem: those “rule-of-thumb” concepts that really good engineers seem to just know. These concepts are what always led them to the right conclusions and solutions to problems. If you get bored with a section, make sure to hit the Thumb Rules anyway. There you will get the distilled core concepts that you really should know.

Electrical Engineering 101 (D.Ashby 2008)

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