Arcan ® 30-Apr-2020 14:02

Sight Reduction

Year: 2020
Version: 4.2
Developer: Navigational Algorithms
Platform: Android
System Requirements: Android 4.0+
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Description: Celestial navigation - Astronavigation
Sight reduction:
- Marcq Saint Hilaire Line of Position, intercept method (p=Ho-Hc, Zn)
- Input for observed altitude Ho or instrumental Hs (Nautical Almanac data needed for the Sun and the Moon)
- Calculator: altitude Hc and azimuth Zn
- Running fix
- Plots up to 3 Marcq Saint Hilaire Lines of Position on Google maps
- Local hour angle (LHA)
Sight reduction is the process of deriving from a sight the information needed for establishing a line of position.
This app is a calculator to get the intercept from the assumed position of the observer AP(latitude, longitude), the geographical position of the celestial body observed, GP(Dec, GHA), and its corrected altitude Ho.
Manual and examples in the developer's website.
User interface:
- Zoom buttons +/-
- Map types: standard, terrain, and satellite
- GPS location. ("Location" App permission must be allowed. Switch on you GPS, and then automatic location detection is possible)
What's new:
- Plot up to 3 Marcq Saint Hilaire Lines of Position on Google maps
- Calculator for Intercept method (p=Ho-Hc, Zn)
- Input for observed altitude Ho or instrumental Hs
- List of navigational stars
- Logbook
- New optimized user interface


Sight Reduction_4.2

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