Vitbar192 ® 11-Aug-2020 07:57

The Rise & Fall of British Shipbuilding

Year: 2013
Language: english
Author: Burton A.
Genre: History
Publisher: The History Press
ISBN: 0752489690
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 259
Description: This is the story of how, from modest beginnings, Britain rose throughout the 19th century to become the greatest shipbuilding nation in the world. It begins with the age of sail, then moves on to the days of iron-hulled steamers. It shows how conflicts arose between the traditional shipwrights and the new men who came from the metal industries, leading to the infamous demarcation disputes. It is also the story of men like Brunel and Armstrong, geniuses who were always looking for change and development. It is also the story of decline in the 20th century, when yards were no longer as innovative as their foreign competitors and the British merchant fleet shrank from being the biggest in the world at the start of the century to ranking number 38 at the end of it. It is a story of great achievements and tragic collapse.
Additional info: About the Author
ANTHONY BURTON has to date published 70 books, including The Anatomy of Canals Vols 1-3, Canal 250 and History's Most Dangerous Jobs: Navvies and Miners for The History Press. He has worked extensively in television as a writer and presenter and recently as an expert, appearing in Big, Bigger, Biggest for Channel 5, Thomas Telford for BBC Scotland, and an episode of Coast. He will shortly be appearing with Melvyn Bragg on Reel History of Britain. As well as writing articles for the BBC Magazine Countryfile and Canal Boat, Anthony is a regular presenter on BBC1's Inside Out programme. He lives in Stroud, Gloucestershire.



Burton A. The Rise & Fall of British Shipbuilding, 2013

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