twicer ® 04-Jan-2023 11:10

Seaways Maritime Journal (January)

Year: 2023
Language: english
Author: The Nautical Institute
Genre: Periodical (magazine)
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 40
Description: Edition January, 2023
Seaways Recognised as one of the leading maritime journals, Seaways is sent out to all members monthly. It is the international journal of The Nautical Institute and has the most vibrant professional correspondence section to be found anywhere in the industry.




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Thank U
gillnumil 05-Jan-2023 01:37
twicer, Please do not specify year in the title. You need to mention only the month.
The format is [TITLE] [AUTHOR] [YEAR]so year is automatically displayed need to duplicate.
You already have it highlighted in description also.
Kindly edit your post and pleases try to make same for future posts.
refresh list

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