Arcan ® 24-Apr-2018 19:30

SAAB Combined Transponder System R4 AIS and Navigation system Installation Manual

Year: 2010
Language: english
Author: SAAB
Genre: Manual
Publisher: SAAB
Edition: B
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 137
Description: The R4
Combined AIS & Navigation System comes in two configurations: GPS and DGPS. Both configurations feature an R4 Display and R4 AIS Transponder. The GPS configuration
also features an R4 GPS Navigation Sensor and an MGA-2 GPS antenna, while the DGPS configuration features an R4 DGPS Navigation Sensor and an MGL-4 combined
GPS/Beacon antenna.
The R4 Display provides a graphical interface to the system. Via the display it is possible to plot the location of other ships, base stations, aids to navigation and the active route.
Vessels can be listed sorted by range or bearing. The display also makes it possible to create, edit and modify routes and waypoints, navigate following a route, send and receive
messages, view sensor data, perform setup as well as supervise the systems status.
The R4 AIS Transponder consists of a radio transceiver unit, a GPS receiver and a controller unit. The transceiver consists of one transmitter and three independent VHF
receivers, two tunable TDMA receivers and one DSC receiver. The transmitter alternates its transmissions between the two operating TDMA channels and can also be used to
reply to a DSC interrogation (ITU-R M.825-3, Annex 1). The controller unit creates and schedules data packets (containing dynamic, static and voyage related data) for
transmission based on the IMO performance standard for AIS.
The R4 AIS Transponder shall be connected to the ship‘s sensors as required by the installation guidelines published by IALA. The R4 AIS Transponder can interface external
navigation and presentation systems that support required IEC 61162-1 sentences as set out in this manual. The R4 Transponder is prepared for connection to Long Range
systems like Inmarsat C.



SAAB Transponder System R4 AIS and Navigation system Installation Manual

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