thirdmate ® 08-May-2019 17:04

Nautical Almanac and Tide tables- Year 2000 - For UK MCA Exams

Year: 2000
Language: english
Author: Unknown
Genre: Other
Publisher: UKHO
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 317
Description: Nautical Almanac and tide table for the year 2000 . Issued by UK. This is the almanac that is used in exams for UK Certificate of Competency. This will be required when preparing for CoC exams.
Official publication prepared jointly with Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office and the United States Naval Observatory's Nautical Almanac Office. Designed in consultation with other astronomers of many countries, it provides current, accurate astronomical data for use in the making and reduction of observations and for general purposes. The Astronomical Almanac Online extends the printed version by providing data best presented in machine-readable form. Online data are provided for several years. This resource aids in determining and distributing the timing and astronomical data required for accurate navigation and fundamental astronomy.



Nautical Almanac_Blue Folder

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