marlamamba ® 30-Jul-2019 11:50

LNG Supply Chains and the Development of LNG as a Shipping Fuel in Northern Europe

Year: 2019
Language: english
Author: Jack Sharples
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
ISBN: 9781784671266
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 62
Description: In his 2018 working paper for OIES entitled “A review of demand prospects for LNG as a marine transport fuel” (NG133) Chris Le Fevre provided an overview of the outlook for the growth of LNG demand in its most promising transport sector. He concluded that the imminent application of more stringent emissions rules by the International Maritime Organisation provided some hope that gas could displace fuel oil as a power source for specific vessels, although he concluded that the change would probably be more gradual than many were hoping.
In addition, it is clear that the growth will be catalysed by demand for LNG in ships that operate within the Emissions Control Areas that have been defined by the IMO, and this paper by Jack Sharples focuses on one of those areas, covering the Baltic and North Seas, as a case study for the development of an LNG value chain in the marine sector. The paper examines how environmental regulations have initiated change, which in turn has incentivised the construction of the infrastructure that is vital to LNG as a bunker fuel. The use of government subsidies has also been important, but the paper shows that vessel owners are gradually becoming more willing to shift towards LNG as a fuel for their fleets, especially as ships are replaced and new vessels are added. Furthermore, the incentives to invest across the LNG value chain are increasing as a virtuous cycle of investment and consumption emerges.
The importance of this case study is that it may provide an indicator for the development of LNG as a marine fuel in other areas, and the author makes some significant comparisons with other ECAs and regions of the world where gas is already helping to solve issues of air quality. As a result, this working paper is an important addition to the growing body of work being published by OIES on the role which gas can play in a world where decarbonisation and improvements in air quality are becoming key driving forces in the development of the global energy system.



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