trupas ® 27-Oct-2019 17:58

Great Ships: The Battlefleet of King Charles II

Год выпуска: 1980
Язык: русский
Автор: Frank Fox
Жанр: История
Издательство: Conway Maritime Press
ISBN: 978-0851771663
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 246
Описание: The rapid evolution of ship design between 1660 and 1685 makes the Restoration Navy especially important in the history of naval architecture. Many standard ship types, such as the two-decker 3rd Rate, were perfected during this period, and the more innovative shipwrights introduced methods of construction that were to survive for over a century. While acknowledging these advances, all previous works on the subject have been vague and generalized, without much reference to particular ships.
Extensive research by the author in England, the Netherlands, France and Scandinavia has produced a book which combines for the first time a balanced appreciation of Restoration warship design, with a specific account of the whole battlefleet. Not only are the ships described individually and in classes but most are illustrated with reliably identified portraits - either paintings or selections from the thousands oil minutely detailed drawings of the Van de Veldes, father and son.
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