NNT ® 22-Dec-2014 23:57

Draught Surveys a Guide To Good Practice

Year: 2009
Language: english
Author: Jim Dibble, Peter Mitchell and North of England P&l Association
Genre: 2nd Edition
Publisher: North of England P&I Association Limited
Edition: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-9558257-5-0
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 54
Description: This publication is intended for general guidance only to assist in the conduct of a draught survey but it cannot apply to every situation. Readers should take care to ensure that the recommendations contained in this publication are appropriate for a particular situation before implementing them. Whereas every effort has been made to ensure that recommendations are comprehensive, North of England P&I Association and the authors do not under any circumstances whatsoever accept responsibility for any errors, omissions and misstatements or for the consequences of implementing or attempting to implement the recommendations.

Draught Surveys

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Arcan 20-Sep-2019 19:48
alexxnavy, неправда ваша: по крайней мере 6 сидов готовы вам отдать этот файл.Ищите у себя проблему.

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