Gogo81 ® 01-May-2020 18:17

Buying a great boat

Year: 2000
Language: english
Author: Arthur Edmunds
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Bristol Fashion Publications
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-1892216359
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 180
Description: When you go to a boat show or a dealer's showroom, there is an overwhelming number of boat types, styles, engines, and optional equipment. Clearly, we should be thinking about a definite type of boat before we proceed to look at the many available boats, either new or used. This choice should fit your personal preferences concerning the use of the boat and where it will be operated. It is true that a small boat may be used for many different purposes, with the exception of providing sufficient accommodations for living aboard.
This book will show the differences in boat types and where each can be used efficiently. This will assist you in making a decision for the correct boat to fit your needs and to fit the time available for enjoying the pleasures of being on the water. Surely, all of us would like to have a large boat with all the comforts of home, but most of us only have a few hours each weekend in which to enjoy floating on the water. A small boat under thirty feet in length may satisfy your requirements if you have little time to spend afloat. On the other hand, if you want to live on the boat permanently, or take long cruises during your vacation time, a longer boat will provide those necessary arrangements and storage.
We are not only interested in the hull and interior, but the engine type is of prime importance as this is what gets us to our objective. Engine types and costs will be discussed and the advantages of each explained. Our own preferences largely determine what boat we will buy and each individual should find the most desirable boat described within these pages. We hope you will enjoy cruising as much as we have.



Buying a great boat

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