S6351889c ® 06-Sep-2020 08:36

GEODe: Atmosphere

Year: 2004
Version: 1
Developer: Tasa Graphics Arts Inc. and Prentice Hall
Platform: Windows
64-bit OS compatibility: yes
System Requirements: Operating Systems: Windows 98, NT4, 2000, Me, XP, 10
Processor: In addition to the processor required by your OS, this
application requires at least a Pentium 166 (Windows XP
requires at least a 233 MHz processor).
RAM: In addition to the RAM required by your OS, this application
requires at least 32 Megs RAM for Win 98/ME/NT, 64 Megs RAM
for Win 2000 and 128 Megs RAM for Win XP.
Monitor resolution: 640 x 480 pixels; millions of colors
Required third-party software: QuickTime
This application contains:
- The GEODe Atmosphere application program.
- The ReadMe.txt file.
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Description: For introductory courses in Earth Science, in departments of Geology, Geography, and Atmosphere Science
Animations - Helps students visualize physical processes
Integration of video into some sections
Audio narration
Courses included:
Unit 1: Introduction to the Atmosphere
Unit 2: Heating Earth's Surface and Atmosphere
Unit 3: Temperature Data and the Controls of Temperature
Unit 4: Moisture and Cloud Formation
Unit 5: Forms of Condensation and Precipitation
Unit 6: Air Pressure and Wind
Unit 7: Basic Weather Patterns
Additional info: Hope you guys find this useful, I had this learning resource when I started learning more about meteorology. Pretty basic and easy to understand materials in the application.
Simply open the GEODe Atmosphere.exe in the folder and you can start learning!


GEODe Atmosphere

Download [109 KB]

Thank U

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