SKM ® 23-Nov-2020 10:47

Ballast Water Management FAQ

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: UK MCA
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: UK MCA
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 14
Description: The present document was prepared by the UK MCA to address the most frequently asked questions related to the implementation of the ballast water management convention. It opens with the status of ratification of the convention. Then the readers will get to know the applicability of the subject convention including both domestically and internationally operating ships, dredgers and fishers, and offshore installations.
The survey and certification requirements depending on the ship size are covered within a separate chapter. Also, the readers will find the information about the ballast water exchange and the implementation standards applicable to IOPP and non-IOPP vessels, together with the possible alternatives to compliance. Due attention has been paid to the sediments considered an important aspect.
As you know, some of the ships can be exempted from compliance with the requirements of the convention and this is discussed separately, together with the equivalences. In short, this compact booklet shall be possessed on board any ship and readily available for reference at all times. No excessive size, no useless information, no difficult terminology, only the necessary info.


Contents................................................................................................. i
Forward ................................................................................................ iii
1. Has the UK ratified the BWM Convention? ............................. 5
2. To what ships does the Convention apply?............................ 5
2.1 Internationally operating ships ........................................................... 5
2.2 Domestically operating vessels .......................................................... 5
2.3 Dredgers........................................................................................ 5
2.4 Fishing Vessels............................................................................... 5
2.5 Floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSO Units .......................................... 6
3. What are the Survey and Certification Requirements?.......... 6
3.1 Ships of 400gt and greater ................................................................ 6
3.2 Ships of less than 400gt ................................................................... 6
3.3 Statements of Non-applicability.......................................................... 6
4. Can Ballast Water Exchange (BWE) be undertaken in UK Waters? ................................................................................................. 6
4.1 What is required? ............................................................................ 7
4.2 BWE in the North Sea ...................................................................... 7
4.3 Availability of BWE Areas.................................................................. 7
5. Do I need to fit a Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS)?. 8
6. When Do I need to fit a BWTS? ................................................ 9
6.1 D2 implementation for ships that hold an IOPP Certificate ...................... 9
6.2 D2 Implementation for Non-IOPP ships ............................................... 9
6.3 If I have a BWTS fitted, do I have to use it?.......................................... 9
7. What Alternatives to meeting the D1 or D2 Standards are available? .............................................................................................. 9
7.1 Same Location................................................................................ 9
7.2 Isolating Ballast Tanks from the Ballast System .................................. 10
7.3 Other Methods.............................................................................. 10
7.4 Potable/Municipal Water ................................................................. 10
7.5 Ballast Water Reception Facilities .................................................... 11
8. What about Sediments?.......................................................... 11
9. Can I be exempted from the requirements to meet the D1 or D2 Standard? ...................................................................................... 11
10. Are any equivalencies available?........................................... 12
11. What if my ballast water will not meet the D1 or D2 Standards?.......................................................................................... 12
12. Can I ballast a cargo tank? ……………………………………… 13



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