paolina_3 ® 23-Dec-2020 17:08

Higher Performance Sailing

Year: 2013
Language: english
Author: Frank Bethwaite
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Adlard Coles
ISBN: 978-1-4729-0130-9
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: n/a
Description: High Performance Sailing is one of the very few books that can be considered as the bible of racing sailors. Hundreds of pages of useful data on the wind and its behavior on a micro-scale, on the boundary layers, on the rigging and on the tricks to improve performance, on sails trim and boat handling. A well documented analysis on the performance of the boat and how to improve it. By means of extensive research, and working with sailors of different racing calibre, the author analyses how to harness the apparent wind for increased speed and better position on your rivals.



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