skipper3362 ® 26-Jan-2021 23:19

Legal handbook shipmaster 2020

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: j.j.j van de kruit
Publisher: Netherlands shipmaster association
Edition: 2nd
ISBN: 978-90-9032668-9
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 204
Description: this book is the worldwide international standard handbook for the shipmaster and all other intereset parties whatever the ships flag state or nationality of the crew may be
National maritime laws of states are almost comparable because these legislations orginate from a variete of internatinal maritime agreements .
Maritime laws followa , inmost nations , a separate code and has jurrisdiction independent of national laws
Internatiinal pillars for national maritime laws are
* United Nations Convention on the law of the sea ( UNCLOS )
* International Convention for prevention of Pollution from ships ( MARPOL )
* International convention for safety of life at sea ( SOLAS )
* Internatinal convention on standards of training , vertification and watchkeeping for seafares ( STCW )
* Maritime labour convention ( MLC )
This handbook explains the most important legal terms of international and national law for the shipmaster.
The influence of EU rules on national maritime legislation of eu member statess is also described.
NAtional legislation of the flag state has priority on board unless the vessel is located in the waters of a foreign costal state.
The hierarchy or priority of various jurisdictions and legislations in different maritime zones is therefore extensively explained in the ahndbook
National maritime legislation ( NL ) is described in detial with many examples from maritime legislations.
this handbook has not been written in legal language , but in the lasnguage of the shipmaster and seafarers,
the legal handbook shipmaster will be invaluable to any shipmaster wherever on the globe.
The shipmaster is at the heart of this book.




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Thank U
skipper3362 ® 08-Feb-2021 01:10
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ivancho12 18-Feb-2021 04:02
Topga, Не нужно тут качать, вбейте эту книгу в гугл и там бесплатно можно скачать, жаль что Автор зажал бесплатный контент.
paolina_3 18-Feb-2021 14:31
ivancho12, if that's the advice, I wonder what you are doing here. Anyway 65.3 GB downloaded and only 20 thanks given says it all. I think you can easily do the division.
ivancho12 15-May-2024 23:36
skipper3362, I tried to Share but site to complecated, I cannot always keep all files on my cloud, i want to upload here and forget.
skipper3362 ® 16-May-2024 01:54
ivancho12, there is nothing complecate on that there are stil new polple posting
and if you can download then you also can upload
go read it in the information section
we have even have guides for it
you have to keep the file online till there engough other members that load the file and also keep it online

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