khany ® 25-Jan-2024 17:29

Legal Handbook Shipmaster

Year: 2024
Language: English
Author: Dr. Peter van der Kruit
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Netherlands Shipmasters’ Association (NVKK)
Edition: 5
ISBN: 978-90-9032668-9
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 527
Description: This book is the worldwide international standard Handbook for the shipmaster and all other interested parties whatever the ship’s flag state or nationality of the crew may be.
National maritime laws of states are almost comparable because these legislations originate from a variety of international maritime agreements. Maritime law follows, in most nations, a separate code and has jurisdiction independent of national laws.
This Handbook explains the most important legal terms of international and national law for the shipmaster. The influence of EU rules on national maritime legislation of EU member states is also described. National legislation of the flag state has priority on board unless the vessel is located in the waters of a foreign coastal state. The hierarchy or priority of various jurisdictions and legislations in different maritime zones is therefore extensively explained in the Handbook.
National maritime legislation (NL) is described in detail with many examples from maritime legislations.
This Handbook has not been written in legal language, but in the language of the shipmaster and seafarers. The Legal Handbook Shipmaster will be invaluable to any shipmaster wherever on the globe. The shipmaster is at the heart of this book.




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