twicer ® 25-Feb-2021 16:57

Guide for Cyber Security on Vessels

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: DCSA
Genre: Guide
Publisher: DCSA
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 110
Description: Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)

The rapid evolution in the use of, and reliance upon, digital (computer-based) and communication technologies, as
well as the advances in automation and the potential for integration of multiple electronic systems supporting
management functions and business applications, increases the importance of addressing inherent vulnerabilities. It
is therefore vital that vessel owners, operators and masters understand and implement appropriate and
proportionate measures to address the resilience and cyber security issues that arise. Only by doing so can they
fully meet their responsibilities for the secure and safe operation of their vessels.
Recommendations relating to these aspects are therefore detailed throughout the implementation guideline where
relevant. With the exception of any vessel/port interface, it is not the purpose of this implementation guideline to
consider the cyber security of the ports and port facilities to which the ISPS Code also applies.
This DCSA implementation guideline is aimed at assisting those companies with the responsibility of implementing
and ensuring compliance with the BIMCO guidelines for cyber security on-board vessels. As a guideline, it does not
set out specific technical or configuration standards for vessel systems, but instead provides a management
framework that can be used to reduce the risk of cyber incidents that could affect the safety or security of the
vessel, the crew, or the cargo. Lastly it is aligned with the IMO Resolution MSC.428(98) compliance.


Cyber Security Guide from the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)



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