twicer ® 08-Mar-2021 21:45

Cybersecurity in the Maritime Sector: Guidelines for Navigating Cyber Risk

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: ENISA
Genre: Guide
Publisher: ENISA
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 57
Description: Guidelines - Cyber Risk Management in Port
the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released cybersecurity guidelines to help European port operators manage cyber risks amid digital transformation and increased regulations. ENISA’s new Guidelines - Cyber Risk Management for Ports was drafted in collaboration with several ports in EU Member States. The publication builds on ENISA’s 2019 Port Cybersecurity Report by providing actionable practices that speak to the current cybersecurity threats and changing digital landscape faced by Europe’s maritime sector.
This report aims to provide port operators with good practices for cyber risk assessment that they can adapt to whatever risk assessment methodology they follow. In order to achieve this, this report introduces a four-phase approach to cyber risk management for port operators, which follows common risk management principles and is mapped to the steps of the risk assessment methodology that is laid out in the ISPS Code and relevant EU legislation for Port and Port Facility Security. For each of these phases, this report provides actionable guidelines to assist port operators in their efforts, lists common challenges associated with the performance of the relevant activities, good practices that can be readily adopted and customised by individual organisations and a mapping of the listed good practices for each phase with the respective challenges they address.



ENISA Guidelines - Cyber Risk Management for Ports.pdf

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