twicer ® 11-Apr-2021 21:53

The Alfa Laval Adaptive Fuel Line BlueBook

Year: 2018
Language: english
Author: Alfa Laval
Genre: Technical book
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 38
Description: Technical reference booklet.
A technical reference booklet on catalytic fines, sulphur emission legislation, oil compatibility issues and how to handle these challenges with modern fuel treatment systems.
This BlueBook provides an overview of the Adaptive Fuel Line concept and the rationale behind its development. The BlueBook serves as an introduction to fuel handling in general, a technical reference for those interested in the function and relevance of specific components, and a guide to how the entire fuel chain can be designed to improve fuel handling efficiency and reduce operating costs.
This book describes the background and implications of the change underway and explains how the Adaptive Fuel Line has been designed to meet the fuel handling and treatment needs of ships in the low-sulphur era.




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