GlanePito ® 19-May-2021 18:15
Hi guys!
For one of our projects in school, we have to research professions that we find interesting and contact someone working in that field. Would any marine biologist be kind enough to answer the questions below? The response will be presented to our whole class on Friday so that they can be exposed to different career paths, supporting the growth of marine biology!
What is a “normal” day for you? (such as tasks you do daily)
What personality traits are important for someone going into marine biology?
Do you have any recommendations for colleges that have good marine biology programs?
What made you decide to choose to go into marine biology?
Do you have a particularly memorable case?
What do you like best about your job?
What do you like least about your job?
What advice might you give to an individual who is interested in going into your field?
Thank you so much!
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