twicer ® 26-Jul-2021 16:15

So You Want to Go to Sea

Year: 201x
Language: english
Author: Capt Michael Lloyd
Publisher: Witherby Publishing Group Ltd
Edition: 1st Edition
Format: PDF
Quality: Unknown
Pages count: 127
Description: This book is not intended to be a recruitment book but a guide to the Merchant Navy and the available pathways for those wishing to go to sea, their parents, schools, career advisors and anyone who wants to know about career opportunities at sea.
It also shows the wealth of organisations surrounding the MN and how their support is structured. Hopefully, a prospective entrant will get an idea of what to expect and what is expected of them.
The sea is not for everyone, but for those who go to sea knowing what to expect, work hard and conform to shipboard life, it can be a career like no other. No matter how long a person remains at sea, it can provide an experience that will contribute to their character and abilities with qualities that are invaluable no matter what their future career path is.
Hopefully readers of this book will realise the incredible array of opportunities and career paths within the Merchant Navy, the wide ranging educational and professional programmes that are continually kept up to date, the comprehensive support services that exist and the way that training and professional qualifications obtained at sea can lead into numerous other careers ashore.



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