gillnumil ® 15-Sep-2021 21:45

ISWAN for Seafarers

Year: 2021
Developer: https://www.seafarerswelfare.or...or-seafarers-app
Platform: Android
Localization: english
Crack: N/A
Description: ISWAN has joined forces with The Shipowners’ Club to launch ISWAN for Seafarers, a new mobile app which offers offline access to ISWAN's 24-hour helplines and resources for seafarers.
No internet connection needed
The app does not use data when open and seafarers can access support and resources at any time while at sea or ashore.
Instant access to 24-hour help and support
Via the touch of a button in the app, seafarers can contact one of ISWAN's free, confidential, international helplines: SeafarerHelp (for all seafarers and their families) and Yacht Crew Help (for professional yacht crew).
Useful information and resources specifically for seafarers
...including ISWAN’s self-help health materials, access to ISWAN’s Seafarer Centre Directory, and guidance on topics such as contract issues, abandonment, and bullying and harassment.
Latest news and articles
The app features a blog containing recent articles on seafarers' welfare-related news and topics, which can be refreshed when an internet connection is available.
Additional info: ISWAN is an international charity and membership organisation which works to promote and support the welfare of seafarers all over the world. The Shipowners’ Club is a mutual marine liability insurer, providing Protection and Indemnity insurance for small and specialist vessels since 1855.



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