gillnumil ® 16-Sep-2021 12:49

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination for Seafarers and Shipping Companies: A Practical Guide

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: ICS
Publisher: Internatinoal Chamber of Shipping
Edition: September
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 10
Description: This Practical Guide outlines the most up-to-date and relevant information regarding vaccinations for seafarers and includes answers to important questions on availability and efficacy of vaccinations for ships’ crew and shipping companies.COVID-19 vaccines reduce the severity of symptoms or prevent symptoms completely in a vaccinated person. However it is currently unknown if they prevent an individual carrying the virus and passing it on to others.Physical distancing, washing hands with soap and water or the use of hand sanitiser, good respiratory hygiene, and use of a mask remain the main methods to prevent spread of COVID-19 and seafarers should continue these practices once vaccinated.





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